Making Informed Decisions: The High School Admissions Process Saint Anselm Catholic Academy High School Information Night 2017 Principal: Mr. James McKeon Presenter: Mrs. Janet Batista Making Informed Decisions: The High School Admissions Process
HS Admissions Process Timelines Specialized High Schools Agenda HS Admissions Process Timelines Catholic High Schools Specialized High Schools All Other Schools Selecting schools Next Steps Q & A
Catholic High Schools
Catholic High Schools Timeline TACHS exam Registration Fee is due no later than Oct. 16th … Fee of $63.00 … via Internet or Phone… November 4, 2017 (SAT) TACHS ADMINISTRATION for Diocese of Brooklyn/Queens (Test Sites: Xaverian –Boys --Fontbonne – Girls) December 15, 2017 TACHS Applicant Records due to students’ three high school choices. (Completed online by Mrs. Batista) January 2018 Release of admission notices by high schools. February 2018 Response Cards back to high schools – high school notification letters will include information relative to the date on which students should return his/her acceptance letter to the high school they choose to attend. Please Note***Catholic HS registration dates are different dates than Public HS*** BE CAREFUL!!!
Students are to select three choices for Catholic High Schools. Seriously Consider the following factors: High School Preferences regarding acceptances and scholarships. Tuition and Fees Enrollment/ Student Population Teacher to Student Ratio Academic Advantages ( AP Courses (College Credit), etc…) Extra-Curricular Activities
Regis, Marymount, and other NON-TACHS schools require specific entrance exams. Forms have been provided to students. Any student interested in applying to Poly Prep, Bay Ridge Prep and other private schools must visit schools and request application packets. Our School will complete the process with the necessary documentation and release of transcripts.
Certain Schools require students to complete separate admission applications–and submit teacher recommendation -- Example: Xavier, Xaverian HS, Fontbonne Hall Academy Scholarships to these schools are based on separate scholarship examinations – For Xavier-- register online or by phone For Xaverian --indicate on application. Bishop Kearney and Fontbonne–call to register for scholarship exam or apply on website
PHS Admissions Timeline 2013–2014 Dates September 2017 Registration for Fall SHSAT and LaGuardia High School Audition begins. See your guidance counselor to register. October 2017 Deadline to register for Fall SHSAT and LaGuardia High School Audition Borough High School Fairs, 11:00 am – 3:00 pm Release of SHSAT Ticket and LaGuardia High School Audition Tickets SHSAT for all current 8th grade students (students will be assigned a test date) Distribution of Public High School Applications to 8th Grade Students Mid November 2017 Students will return completed application to Mrs. Batista for submission on SEMS. December 2017 Deadline for Mrs. Batista to submit PHS applications on SEMS.
Public High Schools
The high school admissions process is centered on two principles: equity and choice. The student-driven process enables students to rank schools and programs in an order that accurately reflects their preferences. Students can rank up to 12 programs from more than 600 programs citywide.
Students can rank up to 12 programs on their application (some high schools have more than one program to which eighth graders may apply). If a student wishes to attend his or her zoned high school, he or she must list the zoned programs of that high school as one of the choices on his or her application. All students must submit their high school applications by the deadline.
Specialized High Schools
Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts The Nine Specialized High Schools SHSAT Specialized High Schools Admissions Test The Bronx High School of Science High School of American Studies at Lehman College Brooklyn Technical High School The Brooklyn Latin School Stuyvesant High School High School for Math, Science and Engineering at the City College Queens High School for the Sciences at York College Staten Island Technical High School Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts Dance Drama Instrumental Music Technical Theatre Fine Arts Vocal Music
How do students register for the SHSAT and LaGuardia Auditions? Register through the school’s high school advisor (Mrs. Batista) H.S. Advisors must enter registrations in SEMS (Student Enrollment Management System) SACA will distribute test and/or audition ticket to students Families should check the ticket for accuracy Students must bring the test and/or audition ticket with them Know your order of preference for the Specialized High Schools prior to sitting for the test
Specialized High School Admissions Test (SHSAT) Scoring and Offers On the scheduled test date, students list the Specialized Testing High Schools in priority order on the test answer sheet. These choices are final. After all tests are scored, students’ test scores are placed in order from the highest score to the lowest score. Offers are made, in turn, based on student’s score student’s priority of choices seat availability
All Other Schools
Admissions Methods for non-specialized schools Unscreened Zoned (none in Manhattan) Educational Option (Ed. Opt.) Limited Unscreened Screened: Language Screened (may include test, interviews, portfolios) Audition
Ed Opt Schools Programs designed to attract a wide range of academic performers. Based upon the results of 7th grade standardized reading test score: Top 16% - High Middle 68% - Middle Bottom 16% - Low From the applicant pool, half the students are chosen by the school administration and half are selected randomly.
Ed Opt, continued Students who score in the top 2% on the 7th grade English Language Arts reading exam will automatically be matched to the Ed. Opt. program if they listed it as their first choice. If a child is in the top 2%, it is indicated on his/her application next to the reading score.
Limited Unscreened Be sure to sign in!!! Programs that give priority to students who demonstrate interest in the school by attending a school's Information Session or Open House events or visiting the school's exhibit at any one of the High School Fairs Be sure to sign in!!!
Screened: Language Admit students based on home language; English Language Learner status; when they arrived in the country; and in some cases academic records
Screened Students are ranked by the high school based on the student's final 7th grade report card grades and reading and math standardized scores. Attendance and punctuality are also considered. There may also be other items that schools require to screen applicants such as an interview, essay or additional diagnostic test score (which you MUST do to be considered). Make sure to find out whether there are additional requirements!!!!
Audition Require that a student demonstrate proficiency in the specific performing arts/visual arts area for that program. Examples: prepare monologue, portfolio of artwork, music or dance performance Audition requirements, dates and times are listed with the program on each school's directory page.
Admissions Priorities In addition to admissions methods, schools may also have admissions priorities For instance: Priority to District 2 students or residents Then to Manhattan students or residents Then to New York City residents
Admissions Priorities Matching Process Student Choice Admissions Priorities High School Match Admissions Method Seat Availability
Important factors in selecting schools: School location/travel time VISIT the school! Can you picture yourself there? School size Graduation rate and other school statistics Special programs/focus within school Academic offerings (AP classes, languages, etc.) Extra curricular activities Special education services
Developing your list of choices Students allowed to make 12 choices Put as many as you are willing to consider Look for schools where you fit the top admissions priority BE REALISTIC!!!
Next Steps for 8th Grade Students Research Schools: High School Directories Specialized High Schools Handbook DOE Online Search Tool: Accountability information:
Next Steps Continued Attend the various HS Process related events: Citywide High School Fair in the fall Borough High School Fairs in the fall Check individual school websites/call the schools for tour dates and other information specific to the school Attend Open Houses and Information Sessions
For more information… Department of Education Office of Student Enrollment:
Important Dates: Three High School Choices due by Oct Important Dates: Three High School Choices due by Oct.31 Xavier Applications Due by Dec. 1 –However, applications are due by Nov. 10th if you are sitting for Scholarship exam on Nov.18 Xaverian Applications Due by Nov. 17 Fontbonne Applications are due Nov. 17th - Submit “Form” Requests for Teacher Recommendations no later than Oct. 15th .. PHS Applications due to Mrs. Batista--TBD