Performance Test 3 Week 5 Day 3 Instructor: There are two approaches to determining the order of performance review. One is to ask for volunteers and the second is to have them draw slips of paper or playing cards. Your role is the review of team progress in documentation and helping them solve technical problems. The TAs should be monitoring the performance tests and recording the progress. When the TAs are recording the performance, they should be listing the motors used, the chassis and drive train configuration, etc. Looking at what the teams are using for motors, drive train and chassis, etc. help pinpoint for the program where there may be problems.
Today Performance Test 3 – Start when LED goes on, maneuver around an obstacle, go up a ramp or stairs Team review by teaching team – Teams bring notebook and design schedule for review. The Notebook will be checked for Organization, Meeting Notes, Construction Documentation, Decisions, etc. Teams bring questions Due – Flowchart and/or Pseudo code Instructor: In the team review, you want to see the notebook, how it is organized and what is in each of the sections. The teams should be keeping their meeting logs and their design schedule up to date. They should also be able to point out within the meeting notes when they made decisions and what the decisions are based upon. You may also want to take a look at the flow chart or pseudo code and make any final suggestions. Check and see how the teams feel that they are doing on the robot and how they feel that they are doing as a team.