Google Tips and Tricks Google Tips and Tricks
How does GoogleTM work? Web servers: There’s actually more than 100 of these around the country. Which is one of the reasons why Google moves so quickly. Index Servers & Doc servers: There’s also redundancy built into the index and doc servers so the millions of people hitting Google at the same time don’t bog it down.
General Tips GoogleTM defaults to an “AND” Boolean search To force a common word to be included in the search use +word or “your search phrase” OR is still “OR” For “NOT” try a “-” For synonyms try “~” Not: - Synonym: ~ Or: OR “I’m Feeling Lucky” takes you directly to the first web page Google returned for your query
GoogleTM Glossary Define: Define: nainsook Define: kakistocracy Define library phat fwiw imnsho What is Bread dough Superhero What are Wonder twins librarians
GoogleTM Glossary beaver Search within a website beaver How many results are returned? Define library phat fwiw imnsho What is Bread dough Superhero What are Wonder twins librarians
GoogleTM Tricks Enter an address to get a map i.e. 2075 Dawn Drive 33763 Weather weather zipcode weather city (state needed if not major city) Movies movie title results in show times by entering zip code movie: keywords returns potential titles The language you search for doesn’t need to be the language you search in, and you can search for more than one language…more on the interface later.
GoogleTM & Numbers 8136228252 Enter a number to: track a package locate the city for an area code find a product from it’s UPC code reverse phone number lookup research patents ISBN 1570613818 UPC 0 7017707719 8 Phone: 978-398-1819 FEDEX: 709383390854 UPS: 1ZE72A824203870293 Patent: 5123123 8136228252
GoogleTM Calculator Basic math (*,/,-,+) Advanced functions (sqrt, ^) Basic math (*,/,-,+) Advanced functions (sqrt, ^) Unit conversions (tsp cup) $ conversion (Euro dollars) 15+5*3 Sqrt 16 8 euro in dollars teaspoons in cup 5*325-86*0.5+785/26*6-45+128/875 Which search term is more popular?
GoogleTM News 4,500 sources News Alerts: 4,500 sources News Alerts: 4500 sources – news generated by algorithms with no human intervention
Fun with GoogleTM What is HSY?
Fun with GoogleTM Languages Scroll down to “Language Tools” and set Google to “Bork, Bork, Bork,” “Elmer Fudd” or “Klingon” GoogleTM Special Logos Online museum of past logos for special occasions Google Doodle: “sequential story” within logo, May 2000