Bell Ringer: Discuss at your table some details you can see in this painting. Can you make any guesses about what might be happening?
The Reign of Czar Nicholas II Ruled Russia from 1894 until the Revolution in 1917. Nicholas II ruled as an “autocrat,” someone who could do anything they like and never consult anyone. They Czar used the Okhrana (a secret police force) to control the masses of people.
The Reign of Czar Nicholas II Together, the Okhrana and the Cossacks . . . censored all books and newspapers. spied on political parties. arrested all who criticized the government.
The Reign of Czar Nicholas II In 1900, 4 out of 5 people in Russia were peasants. Conditions on Russian farms were very difficult. Nearly half of all Russian children under 5 died in 1900.
The 1905 Revolution
The 1905 Revolution The Russian military was defeated in a war against Japan. This turned even more of the country against Nicholas II. It also destroyed food supplies, increased unemployment and generally made things much tougher for the people.
The 1905 Revolution 200,000 workers and peasants marched on the Czars winter palace in St. Petersburg. Soldiers and police tried to stop them and opened up fire, killing 500 and thousands more injured Riots broke out throughout Russia
The 1905 Revolution Nicholas II conceded to some reforms: He allowed the creation of a Duma (somewhat like a congress of elected officials from around the nation). Promised better conditions. However, very little changed.
World War I in Russia
World War I in Russia: Rasputin Rasputin means “disreputable one,” his real name was Gregory Efimovitch. He was known to. . . drink heavily be a womanizer have wild orgies Was actually accused of raping a nun.
World War I in Russia: Rasputin Nicholas II and Alexandra’s only son had hemophilia. Rasputin was thought to have “healed” him at one point. The Czarina, Alexandra, defended Rasputin all the way until her death. The Russian people began to believed that the Czar was allowing Rasputin to make decisions within the government which created more distrust of the Czar.
World War I in Russia Russia had over 3 million troops ready for the war in 1914. However, Russia was very unprepared for war. In 1915 alone, Russia suffered a total of 1.4 million soldiers killed or wounded and another 1 million captured.
World War I in Russia By 1917, the people of Russia had had enough. War protests and food riots broke out throughout the country. Czar Nicholas II abdicated his throne, but was later captured and killed (along with his entire family.)
The October Revolution (The Bolshevik Revolution)
The October Revolution (The Bolshevik Revolution) Local soviets (councils) around the country, starting in Petrograd, began to claim control of the government. The revolution was led by the Bolsheviks, who later became the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
The October Revolution (The Bolshevik Revolution) Vladimir Lenin, a Marxist revolutionary who had been exiled by Nicholas II, returned to Russia to lead the revolution. In the civil war that followed, more than 3 million Russians died, with the Bolsheviks securing victory in 1923
The Soviet Union under Lenin
The Soviet Union under Lenin Lenin actually suggested that Leon Trotsky become the first Chairman of the new Soviet government, Trotsky turned the offer down. First, Lenin decreed that all land owned by the government and the bourgeoisie to be handed over to the local Soviets.
The Soviet Union under Lenin Universal health care was established. Along with free education for all, not just the wealthy. Women were given the right to vote and participate in the government. Factory workers were given control of the workplace and factory committees were created.
The Soviet Union under Lenin After several failed assassination attempts, Lenin began what was known as the Red Terror. “a systematic and mass terror of those responsible.” In 1922, Lenin suffered a series of strokes that eventually left him dead in 1924. Significant changes occurred after his death. . .