Dept. of History Chh. Shivaji College, Satara. PowerPoint Presentation on The Russian Revolution, 1917-1921 Presented by Prof. Thokale S. T. Dept. of History Chh. Shivaji College, Satara.
Imperial Russia, 1815-1915
Broom Factory, 1910
Russian Krestyanin (Peasant)
Putilov Machine Works
Putilov Machine Works
Russian Steel Workers
1905 Protests
“Bloody Sunday” (9 Jan. 1905)
Potemkin Mutiny, 1905
General Strike (17 October 1905)
Nicholas II opening the Duma
Pyotr Stolypin (1862-1911)
Czar Nicholas II
Russian Artillery
Russian Artillery Shelling Galacia
Russian Rout
Russian War Dead (German Photo)
Russian Gas Victims
Russian Imperial Officers
Pavel Miliukov
February Bread Riot (Painting)
February (March) 1917
Petrograd, February Revolt of the Pavlovsky Guards Regiment
Nicholas II at Tsarskoye Tseloe
Petrograd Demonstration
The Provisional Government
The Provisional Government Main Parties: Kadets (Liberals) Octobrists (progressive aristocrats) Progressivists (industrialists and capitalists)
Soviet of Workers and Soldiers Deputies
Alexander Guchkov, Minister of War
Alexander Kerensky
Kerensky as Prime Minister
Kerensky at the Front
Kerensky with Socialist Revolutionary Katerina Breshkovskaia
Julius Martov in 1896
V. I. Lenin
Inside the Winter Palace
Women’s Volunteer Detachment
Bolsheviks Storming the Winter Palace
SR Election Poster, November 1917
November 1917 Election Results Party Votes Total (all Russia) 44,218,55 Socialist Revolutionaries 37% (48% including Ukrainian bloc) Peasant 0.6% Bolshevik Social Democrats 24% Menshevik Social Democrats 3% Other Socialist Parties 1% Kadets 5% Cossack Party 2%
“This means civil war.”
American John Reed
Peace, Land, Bread and National Self-Determination!
V. I. Lenin
Long Live World October!
Leon Trotsky
Land Reform
Collapse of Industry
Lenin Rids the Land of “Byvshiie”
“Red Guards”
Felix Dzerzhinsky – Head of the Cheka
V. I. Lenin
Reds and Whites
Mikhail Uritskii (1873-1918)
“Red Terror,” Summer 1918
Stages of the Russian Civil War Nov. 1917 – Nov. 1918 Rising Tensions, Conflict, End of WWI Nov. 1918 – Nov. 1919 Peak of White Fortunes in South Nov. 1919 – July 1921 Red Victory by 1920, Death of Enver Pasha 1921 – Rebellions against the Soviets by peasants, workers, and soldiers suppressed
Did you volunteer for the Red Army?
White Recruitment Poster (1919)
Anarchist Nestor Makhno
Which side are you on Cossack?
Foreign Intervention
US Gis, Murmansk
Murmansk (Northwest Europe)
Japanese and Russian Officers 1922
White Troops and Their Red Opponents
Devastation of War – Ukraine
Trotsky as Commissar of War
Trotsky as Commissar of War
The Red Cossack
Red Army Armored Train