Sing a song: Happy New Year!


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Presentation transcript:

Sing a song: Happy New Year!

Unit8 Chinese New year

Chinese New Year’s Eve 除夕,大年三十 Chinese New Year’s Day 大年初一

Sit straight Listen carefully Think hard Speak more How to get red packets: Sit straight 坐端正 Listen carefully 听仔细 Think hard 勤思考 Speak more 多发言

Brain storm : get red packets light firecrackers watch fireworks (看见图片说词组,看到词组拍手两下) get red packets 拿/收红包 light firecrackers 放鞭炮 Pay new year calls 拜年 watch fireworks 看烟花表演

listen and know : (听一听,找出Anna的相关信息) Anna

(请找出几个具体的时间) Watch and find : When?

(请找出几个具体的时间) Watch and find : When?

When? Watch and find : before Chinese New Year before (请找出几个具体的时间) Watch and find : When? before Chinese New Year before 在- - -之前 on Chinese New Year’s Eve /i:/ 前夕 on Chinese New Year’s Day 在- - -的第2天 the second on 2nd day of Chinese New Year

When? What? Read and find : What are Anna’s family going to do ? before Chinese New Year What are Anna’s family going to do on Chinese New Year’s Eve ? What are Anna’s family going to do on Chinese New Year’s Day ? What are Anna’s family going to do on 2nd day of Chinese New Year ?

Read and find : What are Anna’s family going to do before Chinese New Year ? They’re going to buy some new clothes and food. Tip: 我们把“主语+be going to+动词原形”结构的句子称为一般将来时的陈述句。 “be going to”,翻译成“将要,将会”。 They’re going to make some cakes and tangyuan.

Read and find : What are Anna’s family going to do on Chinese New Year’s Eve ? On Chinese New Year’s Eve, we’re going to have dinner with my grandparents, my aunt and uncle and my cousin. They’re going to have dinner with their family.

. Read and find : What are Anna’s family going to do on Chinese New Year’s Eve ? On Chinese New Year’s Eve, we’re going to have dinner with my grandparents, my aunt and uncle and my cousin. . They’re going to have dinner with their family. They’re going to buy some flowers.

Read and find : jacket What are Anna’s family going to do on Chinese New Year’s Day ? jacket 红包 They’re going to give Anna red packets. They’re going to watch a lion dance.

Read and find : firefly fire + work firework What are Anna’s family going to do On 2nd day of Chinese New Year ? firefly fire + work firework They’re going to watch fireworks.

listen and repeat : 模仿语音和语调 Tip: Chinese New Year is coming. Su Hai gets an email from her e-friend Anna in Hong Kong. Dear Su Hai, How are you? It’s going to be Chinese New Year next week. I’m very excited! Tomorrow, my family and I are going to buy some new clothes and food. Then, in the evening, we’re going to make some cakes and tangyuan. On Chinese New Year’s Eve, we’re going to have dinner with my grandparents, my aunt and uncle and my cousin. Then, we’re going to buy some flowers.

listen and repeat : On Chinese New Year’s Day, my parents are going to give me red packets. Then, we’re going to watch a lion dance in the afternoon. On the second day of Chinese New Year, we’re going to watch fireworks in the evening. What are you going to do at Chinese New Year? Love, Anna

Choose one way to read the text. Read time: Choose one way to read the text. (四人小组任选一种方式朗读课文。) 3. Read by yourselves. 自己自由朗读。 1. Read in paragraphs. 小组成员分段朗读。 2. Read together. 小组齐读。

Judge: It’s going to be Chinese New Year next month. Anna’s family are going to buy some new clothes and fruit. Anna’s family are going to have dinner together on Chinese New Year’s Eve. Anna’s family are going to watch fireworks on 2nd day of Chinese New Year.

Choose one day to retell. Retell time: Choose one day to retell. (四人小组每人任选一天复述Anna的新年。)

Sharing time: My plan for the Chinese New Year! What are you going to do at Chinese New Year? My plan for the Chinese New Year! Before Chinese New Year, I’m going to . On Chinese new Year’s Eve, On , . Before Chinese New Year, I’m going to do shopping and clean my house. On Chinese new Year’s Eve, I’m going to make dumplings and have a big dinner with my family. On Chinese New Year’s Day, I’m going to pay new year calls to my relatives and friends. (拜年)

Enjoy Chinese Festivals, love Chinese culture(文化).

Homework: Read the text fluently. 2.Finish the exercises on page 80, then, try to retell the email.