By: Mahbod Tajdini Grade :6A Prehistory By: Mahbod Tajdini Grade :6A
The study of prehistory Anthropologists They study human history and other human-like creatures known as hominids. They compare the bones of these creatures to one another, looking for changes in brain size and posture. Archeologists What we do know about the lives of early human beings has been gathered through the study of ancient caves by scientists called archeologists .
Radiocarbon Dating It is one method that scientists use to date ancient fossils and artifacts. All living things on Earth are made up of a high percentage of carbon. When these life forms die, the carbon in their bodies will remain until they decompose, or become fossilized. Radioactive carbon decays at a known rate. This allows scientists to look at the amount of decay in a fossil’s radioactive carbon and determine a relative date.
Prehistoric Humans The first human beings lived in caves along the southern coast of Africa because of ample supplies of food as well as a warm climate about 4.4 million years ago. Dinosaurs died out about 65 million years ago.
Hominids Human-like animals that walked on two legs were known as hominids. They have been around three to five feet tall, and fed on leaves, fruits, and the remains of dead animals. They made their own tools and used sticks and bones to help them dig and defend themselves.
Types of hominids Anthropologists divide hominids into three different types based on their body shapes and lifestyles. Homo habilis Homo erectus Homo sapien
Homo habilis Homo habilis means ‘person with abilities’. They were the first hominids to create and use tools. They lived in Africa about 1.5 million years ago. Their larger bodies and brains would have given them a clear advantages.
Homo habilis
Homo erectus Homo erectus means ‘person who walks upright.‘ They lived in forests, plains and grasslands. They lived on the Earth until about 250,000 years ago. They were the first gatherers and hunters. They discovery of fire. Fire allowed them to cook, to stay warm, and to utilize caves as shelter. They began utilizing animal skins as clothes.
Homo erectus
Language Develops The first simple languages spoken by Homo erectus. Before spoken languages, members of a group communicated with one another by simple noises and hand gestures.
Homo sapien The final type of hominid living on the Earth is Homo sapien. Homo sapien means ‘person who can think’. All humans living on the Earth today are Homo sapiens. Scientist divide homo sapiens into Neanderthal, Homo Sapiens Sapiens and Cro-Magnon.
Neanderthals They are the first Homo sapiens . Larger Body, Muscle and Bone Mass. Larger Brain: More sophisticated Tools. Cave Dwellers Skin and hide clothing They buried dead with food and tools, they would need in the next life. Neanderthal cared for their sick and injured, used medicines.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens The modern humans like you and I first originated on the Earth around 50,000 years ago in Africa. These modern humans are called Homo sapiens sapiens. Migrated from Africa as nomads. They wiped out Neanderthals.
Cro-Magnons much improved technologies, tools, languages and cultures. Used stone, bones, antlers, teeth and ivory. Invented new weapons such as bow and arrows and spear throwers.
Age Systems of human past study Each age being technologically more complex than the one before it. Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age
The Stone Age During this period, tools were made out of stone. Began in Africa around 2.5 million. Ends with the first use of bronze. The Stone Age divides into three different periods. Old Stone Age Middle Stone Age New Stone Age
Old Stone Age Began from the first production of stone artefacts by Homo habilis about 2.5 million years ago Ended at the end of the last Ice Age. This is the longest Stone Age period.
Middle Stone Age Began at the end of Ice Age around 12,000 years ago. Ended when agriculture starts about 8,000 years ago. This is the time of the late hunter-gatherers. Hunter/gatherer means hunt animals and gather plants for food. Another name for a hunter/gatherer is a nomad.
New Stone Age The time for cereal cultivation. Animal domestication. Began with the introduction of farming in East Asia. The time for cereal cultivation. Animal domestication. Lasted from 8,000 years until around 5,000 years ago.
The Agricultural Revolution Began around 8,000 years ago a new way of providing food. Grains such as wheat, barley, rice and corn were grown. Wild animals were domesticated. Goats, cattle, pigs and chickens were used for their meat and milk.
The Bronze Age The new stone age ended when people stopped using stone tools and started to use tools made out of metal. Started using copper and gold for ornaments and jewelry before they started using metal for tools. Mixed melt copper and tin to make bronze. Scientist and historians call the time period that bronze was used the Bronze Age.
The Iron Age The period of iron usage is called the iron age. Eventually people learned how to make iron in a way that it became as good as bronze. Then people learned how to make steel from iron. Steel is much better than iron or bronze.