The History of Libraries Books Schmooks The History of Libraries
LIBRARY From the Greek word “Libros”, meaning book
So. . .Where was the first library? Ancient Mesopotamia (now Iraq, Syria and Turkey) No Books No Scrolls Instead, had. . .
Clay Tablets! Written in Cuneiform Written on while wet, then dried or baked Thousands still exist Still can’t read them!
Most Famous Library of Ancient Times: Alexandrian Library Alexandria, Egypt Had scrolls instead of clay tablets Had a copy of every known scroll 500,000 items! Destroyed during war with Romans in 200 A.C.E. Nothing left today
Papyrus Scroll
From Scroll to Book Switched from papyrus to paper Didn’t join easily into rolls Began to sew them into books All written and illustrated BY HAND
Oldest Library in the US Harvard University Library Founded in 1638 400 Books Donated by clergyman John Harvard
What is the Largest Library in the World? Library of Congress - Washington, D.C. Over 130 MILLION items Owns about 5,700 INCUNABULA (books printed before 1501) Have a copy of the first book to be printed. . .
The Gutenberg Bible
Other Cool Libraries:
Bodleian Library, Oxford
Geisel Library - UCSD
Kansas City Public Library
Library of Alexandria - Egypt
Library of Alexandria - Close Up
Library of Alexandria - Interior
Library of Picture Books - Japan
Library of Malmo, Sweden
Royal Library of Copenhagen
Seattle Public Library
Santa Maria Public Library, California