Today’s Lecture Readers and Writers Education of young Ottoman literati Poets and social uses of poetry Biographical Dictionaries of Poets Example: Life of Figani
RESPONSE PAPER ON A SELECTED TALK 2 PAGES DOUBLE SPACE (minimum) DUE UNTIL DECEMBER 21ST HARDCOPY IN CLASS -short summary -what was interesting for you and why? -significance if this study for Ottoman History. Discuss based on readings and lectures for this class.
FINAL PAPER Due December 28th Hardcopy at class, ecopy turnitin Historical Movies and Us Thinking about Ottoman Urban History Discuss the depiction of the Ottoman urban life in the “Karagöz ve Hacivat Neden Öldürüldü?” (Why were Karagöz and Hacivat murdered?) Please base your arguments on specific examples from your readings and scenes from the movie. Your task is not to present summaries or identify factual inaccuracies. Please focus on the ways in which Ottoman urban life are presented in a historial movie and compare it to your selected primary and secondary sources for this week’s readings and any other reading/lecture during the course.
Gazanfer Ağa medresesi. Divân-i Nâdirî, early seventeenth century
Cafer Aga Medresesi, late sixteenth century, view of the courtyard
Weekend of the medrese students, Album of Ahmed I, seventeenth century
pen-name (mahlas) name: Zeynep Hatun profession: Katibi (the scribe) characteristics: Mihri (pertaining to the sun/solar, affectionate) Muhibbi (affectionate) Baki (enduring, everlasting) Fuzuli (unnecessary, excessive)
Divan (a collection of poetry) Mesnevi (long narrative poems) Kaside (ode) Gazel (“lyric poetry”) Mersiye (elegy) Tarih (chronograms) etc Mesnevi (long narrative poems) Romance-adventure, like “Leyla and Mecnun” Mystical and didactic works Encyclopedias And many others such as `City-Thrillers` (Şehrengiz)
Illuminated title page from the Sultan Süleyman’s Divan-ı Muhibbi, transcribed by Mehmed Serif, Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi, R. 738, dating from 1565/66.
Interior of the lacquered binding from a Hadis transcribed by Abdülhayf Ali c. 1540 Topkapı Palace Library, E.H., 2851
Consultation of old manuscripts for the program of Şehname-i Selim Khan, from Lokman’s Hunername, Topkapi Sarayi Muzesi, A. 3595, fol. 9a dating from 1581
Production of a Şehname, from Şehname-i Mehmed III, Topkapi Sarayi Muzesi, H. 1609, fol 74a, dating from ca. 1596.
Sultan Osman II with Grand vezir Mehmed Pasa and Ahmed Naksi, from Taskoprizade’s Sekayik-I Numaniye, Topkapi Sarayi Muzesi, H. 1263, dating from ca. 1619.
Poets Figani, Yusuf-ı Sineçak, and Ahmet Paşa (from left to right) artist unknown, Mesairü’s-Suara, a biographical dictionary of poets, dating from the sixteenth century.
Party, from Johannes Lewenklaw’s history, Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek Codex Vindobonesis 8615, dating from 1586
Presenting to the patron during a Sufi gathering, from Mustafa Ali’s Nusretname, Topkapi Sarayi Muzesi H. 1365, dating from 1584.
Sufi Sheikhs guide the spiritual development of Sufi adepts lead mystical ceremonies, offer advice, in charge of economic and political life of their communities. spiritual powers revealed through miracles (keramet) life stories written down by their followers (menakıbname) Close followers (mürid), sympathizers (muhib), visitors Presenting to the patron during a Sufi gathering, from Nusretname, (the Book of Victory), dating from 1584.
Varieties of Sufi Experience Holy fool (meczub) Antinomian traveling dervishes (such as kalenderis) Members of orders (tarikat)
Dervishes and Kalenderis as a part of the procession of a ceremony, from Şehinşehname, (p.17).
A kalender derwish from Chalcocondyle, Histoire des Turcs, (Paris: 1950)
Dervishes from Menakıb-ı Sevakıb, (p.15)
From the album of Taeschner , Mevlevis 17. cent