EU peníze středním školám Název vzdělávacího materiálu: B2 – COLL – OFF Číslo vzdělávacího materiálu: ICT14-19 Šablona: III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT. Název sady vzdělávacích materiálů: ICT14 – AJ - Slovní zásoba pro plynulou konverzaci ve 20 tématech pro úroveň B2 Autor: Jaroslava Tůmová Datum vytvoření: 01. 04. 2014 Garant (kontrola): Marie Zajíčková Ročník: Vyšší gymnázium Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk Téma: Slovní zásoba Metodika/anotace: Slovní spojení obsahující výraz „OFF“– osvojení a procvičování Časový rozvrh: 30 minut Zdroje: (Možné uvést v závěru) viz. poslední slide Gymnázium Františka Křižíka a základní škola, s.r.o.
off B2
well / better / badly off Expressions to practise: well / better / badly off off-Broadway off the record off the cuff off the top of your head off-key one-off off-licence off-season off-peak
Can you guess the meaning of the following expressions?
well / better / badly off
well / better / badly off Obviously we're better off now we're both working. Her family was very well off. They're not badly off but they don't have much money to spare.
having little money / be rich / have more money than most others well / better / badly off Obviously we're better off now we're both working. Her family was very well off. They're not badly off but they don't have much money to spare. having little money / be rich / have more money than most others
off-Broadway an off-Broadway hit / show / production The play debuted off-Broadway at the Manhattan Theatre Club.
an off-Broadway hit/show/production The play debuted off-Broadway at the Manhattan Theatre Club. situated or performed outside Broadway, the street in New York where most theatres are located
off the record
off the record She made it clear that her comments were strictly off the record.
off the record She made it clear that her comments were strictly off the record. used for saying that a remark is not official or not intended to be made public
off the cuff
off the cuff I hadn't prepared a speech so I just said a few words off the cuff.
off the cuff I hadn't prepared a speech so I just said a few words off the cuff. If you speak off the cuff, you do it without having planned what you will say.
off the top of your head
off the top of your head "I couldn't tell you off the top of my head." "What date is their wedding?"
off the top of your head "I couldn't tell you off the top of my head." "What date is their wedding?" If you say a fact off the top of your head, you say it immediately, from memory.
off-key He was singing off-key, and it was painful to hear.
off-key He was singing off-key, and it was painful to hear. If you sing or play music off-key, you produce notes that are slightly higher or lower than they should be.
one-off They gave him a one-off payment to compensate for the extra hours that he had to work.
one-off They gave him a one-off payment to compensate for the extra hours that he had to work. happening only once
off-licence a shop that sells mainly alcoholic drinks to be taken away and drunk at home (UK) (US liquor store)
off-season We tend to go skiing during the off-season because it's cheaper. Off-season rates for a double room are about $50 a night.
off-season We tend to go skiing during the off-season because it's cheaper. Off-season rates for a double room are about $50 a night. a period of the year when there is less activity in business
off-peak off-peak phone calls When are off peak train times?
off-peak off-peak phone calls When are off peak train times? not at the most popular and expensive time
well / better / badly off off-Broadway off the record off the cuff off the top of your head off-key one-off off-licence off-season off-peak Choose the right expression
well / better / badly off off-Broadway off the record off the cuff off the top of your head off-key one-off off-licence off-season off-peak This is a ______ opportunity that won’t be repeated.
well / better / badly off off-Broadway off the record off the cuff off the top of your head off-key one-off off-licence off-season off-peak This is a one-off opportunity that won’t be repeated.
well / better / badly off off-Broadway off the record off the cuff off the top of your head off-key one-off off-licence off-season off-peak ________________ ____, I'd say we have about 200 members.
well / better / badly off off-Broadway off the record off the cuff off the top of your head off-key one-off off-licence off-season off-peak Off the top of my head, I'd say we have about 200 members.
well / better / badly off off-Broadway off the record off the cuff off the top of your head off-key one-off off-licence off-season off-peak I travel _______ whenever I can.
well / better / badly off off-Broadway off the record off the cuff off the top of your head off-key one-off off-licence off-season off-peak I travel off-peak whenever I can.
well / better / badly off off-Broadway off the record off the cuff off the top of your head off-key one-off off-licence off-season off-peak Traveling ________ is the easiest way to save vacation money.
well / better / badly off off-Broadway off the record off the cuff off the top of your head off-key one-off off-licence off-season off-peak Traveling off-season is the easiest way to save vacation money.
well / better / badly off off-Broadway off the record off the cuff off the top of your head off-key one-off off-licence off-season off-peak As a result of the tax cuts the average family will be £300 a year _______.
well / better / badly off off-Broadway off the record off the cuff off the top of your head off-key one-off off-licence off-season off-peak As a result of the tax cuts the average family will be £300 a year better off.
well / better / badly off off-Broadway off the record off the cuff off the top of your head off-key one-off off-licence off-season off-peak An ___________ theatre is a professional venue in New York City with a seating capacity between 100 and 499. These theatres are smaller than Broadway theatres.
well / better / badly off off-Broadway off the record off the cuff off the top of your head off-key one-off off-licence off-season off-peak An Off-Broadway theatre is a professional venue in New York City with a seating capacity between 100 and 499. These theatres are smaller than Broadway theatres.
well / better / badly off off-Broadway off the record off the cuff off the top of your head off-key one-off off-licence off-season off-peak Moe was having fun banging the drums and singing _____.
well / better / badly off off-Broadway off the record off the cuff off the top of your head off-key one-off off-licence off-season off-peak Moe was having fun banging the drums and singing off-key.
well / better / badly off off-Broadway off the record off the cuff off the top of your head off-key one-off off-licence off-season off-peak I didn't mean any offence. It was a flippant, __________ remark.
well / better / badly off off-Broadway off the record off the cuff off the top of your head off-key one-off off-licence off-season off-peak I didn't mean any offence. It was a flippant, off-the-cuff remark.
well / better / badly off off-Broadway off the record off the cuff off the top of your head off-key one-off off-licence off-season off-peak ___________, many Conservatives admit they cannot win the election.
well / better / badly off off-Broadway off the record off the cuff off the top of your head off-key one-off off-licence off-season off-peak Off the record, many Conservatives admit they cannot win the election.
well / better / badly off off-Broadway off the record off the cuff off the top of your head off-key one-off off-licence off-season off-peak
well / better / badly off Can you find Czech equivalents? well / better / badly off off-Broadway off the record off the cuff off the top of your head off-key one-off off-licence off-season off-peak
well / better / badly off Prepare a dialogue using: well / better / badly off off-Broadway off the record off the cuff off the top of your head off-key one-off off-licence off-season off-peak
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