Life After Death Matters of Life & Death Euthanasia Abortion
Non-Religious Reasons for Believing in life after death Near Death Experiences – people describe leaving their bodies and seeing the afterlife. Mediums – claim to make contact with the dead. Paranormal activity – e.g Ghosts – unexplained events that have spiritual causes. Can give people hope and comfort if they have a fear of dying. If you have lived a good life you deserve to be rewarded.
Non-Religious reasons for not believing in life after death Not enough evidence Believe that there is a scientific explanation for all evidence. Humans are mortal. Once the body dies, it decays so how can there be anything else? Religion is outdated – Now we have scientific explanation the Bible is no longer needed.
Christian beliefs about life after death Resurrection Immortality of the Soul When after death, the body stays in the grave until the end of the world when it is raised. The idea that the soul lives on after the body has died.
Christian beliefs about life after death - Resurrection Body waits in the grave Die Judgement Day (God ends the world) Dead will be raised & join the living in resurrection bodies Heaven for Christians Judged based on beliefs & how lived our lives Hell for everyone else
Why Christians believe in resurrection Jesus rose from the dead Bible teaches resurrection Jesus taught that he would come again at the end of the world Creeds say that Christians believe in resurrection
Christian beliefs about life after death – Immortality of the Soul Soul leaves the body Die Go straight to judgement Heaven for Christians Some Christians Hell for everyone else Judged based on beliefs & how lived our lives Heaven for good people Some Christians Evil people - Hell Some believe no Hell Just stages of Heaven
Why Christians believe in immortality of the soul Bible Gospels talk about Jesus talking to Abraham & Moses Paranormal evidence indicates immortality of the soul Jesus teaching He told the thief next to him that he would go straight to paradise.
Muslim beliefs about life after death Body waits in the grave Die Last Day (God ends the world) Heaven Good Muslims pass Everyone resurrected Some believe good non Muslims Go before Allah & judged on the quality of our lives Hell for everyone else
so Muslims must believe it Teaches there is life after death It is the word of God so Muslims must believe it Teaches there is life after death Taught there is life after death Without death there is no punishment or reward He is the perfect example for Muslims so they believe what he taught
Christianity & Abortion Protestant Abortion wrong BUT should be allowed in some situations - can be lesser of two evils To love your neighbour as yourself means abortion may be the most loving thing to do sometimes. E.g if the mother’s life is at risk. Life does not begin at conception Christians should accept technological advances in medicine that can identify problems with the foetus. If we do not allow abortions, women may have dangerous back street abortions Roman Catholic No abortion ever Sanctity of Life (life is holy & belongs to God, only God can give or take life). Life begins at conception 10 Commandments “Thou shall not kill” Everyone has a right to life
Islam & Abortion Some Muslims Abortion is a great sin Allowed if the mother’s life is in danger Sanctity of Life (life is holy & belongs to God, only God can give or take life). Qur’an teaches if it is a choice between life of the mother and life of an unborn child then the mother’s life takes priority (lesser of 2 evils) Some Muslims Abortion cannot be permitted at any time because the soul is given at the moment of conception & Qur’an teaches against abortion. Other Muslims Abortion permitted up to 120 days of the pregnancy but there must be a good reason e.g. health of mother Some Muslim teachings say that the embryo is unformed & soulless up to 120 days, so abortion is permitted in Islam up to this point
Euthanasia – Mercy Killing Assisted suicide Providing someone with the means to commit suicide Voluntary euthanasia A person who is terminally ill asks Non-voluntary euthanasia Person who is ill cannot choose so a Dr or the family decide Other Key Terms Doctrine of double effect Quality of life Loss of human dignity Right to die
Christian attitudes towards euthanasia Most Christians Euthanasia is wrong Sanctity of Life 10 Commandments (Do not kill) BUT Switching off life support is not euthanasia if the person is brain dead If someone is brain dead they have already died so switching off machine is accepting God’s decision Not euthanasia to give dying people painkillers which will shorten their life (double effect) Quality of life – if someone is suffering it may be compassionate. Some Christians All forms of euthanasia are wrong Take the Bible literally & the Bible bans suicide Assisted suicide & voluntary euthanasia are both forms of suicide Switching off machines and giving large doses of painkillers = murder
Islam & Euthanasia All Muslims are against euthanasia, but… Completely against Qur’an bans suicide Sanctity of life Life is a test, ending it early is like cheating & leads to hell but some Muslims do not agree that switching off life support machine is euthanasia Some Muslim lawyers have agreed this If someone is brain dead they have already died so switching off machine is accepting God’s decision
Should the media criticise religious views on matters of life and death? E.g abortion, euthanasia, life after death FOR A variety of views are held and all views should be shared. Religious views may be wrong or out of date. It is important to debate views because they are constantly changing. AGAINST Religious views should be respected as they’ve been around for a long time. They are based on traditional teachings such as those in the Bible. The media should present a range of ideas but not criticise them.