Lifestyle & Technology Hunter - Gatherers Lifestyle & Technology
Hunter – Gatherers Lifestyle Lived by hunting small animals and gathering plants. They did not farm or grow their own food. They had to move from place to place to follow their food. They used caves or temporary huts for shelter
Tools and skills that people use to meet their needs and wants. Technology Tools and skills that people use to meet their needs and wants.
I. The Development of Tools Made tools out of stone which led to the period being called the Paleolithic Era or Old Stone Age. The tools started simple and were used for chopping small trees, cutting meat or scraping animal skins clean. Over time they made blades from stones or bones which allowed them to hunt bigger animals.
scaring off dangerous animals. The Use of Fire cooking meat & plants warmth & light scaring off dangerous animals.
Neanderthals v. Homo Sapiens Chart. Turn your paper to the back. Make three columns. The first / left column should be labeled “Category” The second / middle column should be labeled “Neanderthals” The third / right column should be labeled “Homo Sapiens”
The First / Left Column “Category” List the following in the left column, leaving a little space between each one. First Appearance Brain Size Body Type (skeletons or bodies)
The First / Left Column Continued Burial Practices Language Skills Culture (refers to art and music) Summary (two sentences)
The Other Two Columns Use the chart on page 66. For each category write the relevant information. The Neanderthal information goes in the middle column. The Homo Sapiens information goes in the right column. The last category is summary, using the information in the chart write a two sentence summary for each group.