Decline of the Ottoman Empire
End of an Era Ottoman empire was one of world’s greatest through medieval period & early modern era Ruled vast expanses of the Middle East, Africa, & Europe in 1700s Traders rivaled those of Spain, Portugal, & the city-states in Italy Problems Failed siege of Vienna, 1648 Weak sultans Struggle to retain control Janissaries Cavalry Tax farming Described by Tsar Nicholas I as the “sick man of Europe”
Decline: Internal & External Factors Rising nationalism & opposition Ethnic & regional groups wanted self- determination & independence Balkans Middle East North Africa Christians Non-Turks Non-Muslims Serbs Slavs Military power decreased Unsuccessful wars Led sultans to seek alliances with European nations Failing economy Centuries of riches from trade declined – overtaken by Europeans Became indebted to European nations’ banks
Contact with Europe Competed for trade Previously was the middleman for luxury goods from the East Now, British, French, Dutch, Spanish, etc. all had direct access to Indian Ocean Trade Infiltration of Western ideas led to calls for modernization Tanzimat Decree of 1839 implemented European-inspired reforms to military, farming, public administration, & even dress codes Many Turks believed the autocratic rule of the sultan (reinstalled 1870s) restricted their freedom Europeans actively encouraged national groups to revolt against Ottomans Gradually took over parts of Egypt, Morocco, Libya, Algeria, Balkans, Persia, & Arabian Peninsula Sultan allowed building of railroads & factories Did not respond to demands for political change
Which Way To Turn? By 1908, clearly the empire was crumbling Troubled rulers of Europe Ottomans held strategically important lands Mediterranean & Black Sea coastlines Bosphorus Strait Russia & Austria-Hungary had eyes for lands Britain & Germany wanted Ottomans to continue as a buffer against A-H and Russia SO European leaders all sought some alliance in early 1900s with Ottomans Ottomans had to choose who to ally with – or none at all No real support for France Some okay with Britain (controlled nearby Egypt) Others preferred neutrality Germany won – strong position against Russia + financial support + construct a Berlin-Baghdad railway
Young Turk Movement Began 1908 Restored constitution (short-lived in 1870s) & Ottoman Parliament Overthrew sultan Prominent leader = Mustafa Kemal Only a minor role in 1908 revolution Commanded forces at Gallipoli in 1915 Led Turkey to independence from Allied occupation in 1923
Final Destruction of Ottoman Empire Quite weak in WWI Invaded by Europeans Revolted against internally (nationalist groups) Essentially ceased to exist by war’s end Allied powers formed League of Nations & the mandate system to accommodate newly ‘freed’ areas Former holdings of Ottoman Empire & German Empire New states not yet fit to rule themselves… so the British & French (and Belgium a little) took them as colonies Drew arbitrary lines dividing up the Arab world & fmr. Colonial lands in Africa & SE Asia Transjordan Syria Iraq Lebanon Palestine
Review Internal Factors Decline External Factors Decline Attempts at Western/Modernization/Reform Revolution 1908 WWI = Death of Ottoman Empire
Classwork: Tanzimat Decree Read Ch22 & 24 Homework: Vocabulary 19 Ch22 Questions Ch24 Questions Egypt & Ethiopia Worksheet Next Class: Quiz 19 Imperialism Crash Courses, Readings, & Questions