The Aftermath of Bloody Sunday
Aftermath of Bloody Sunday Nicholas II seemed unable to deal with the crisis The Putilov strike spread: Jan 400,000 on strike. anarchy in Russia autumn 1905, 2.5 million on strike. 90,000 soldiers died in Japan in March: Battle of Mukden. All Russian Union of Railway Workers established April others set up Workers councils/soviets took over factories: Urals in April By May 60+ workers’ councils established.
Aftermath of Bloody Sunday Peasants in the countryside also took part in the unrest, burning and looting property. August - Peasants’ Union was formed Moscow - Peasants’ Congress called for an All Russian Union of Peasants to be formed.
Kronstadt In Kronstadt naval base, there was an armed uprising 13,000 soldiers and sailors In October the tsar sent troops – only 208 brought to trial – none sentenced to death
The Battleship Potemkin The crew of the 1903 ship, Potemkin killed their captain and commanding officers in a mutiny 14th June The ship flew a red flag – people’s committee took charge Sailed to Odessa in Ukraine (15th June) – met by cheering crowds Tsarist troops killed 2,000 and wounded 3,000 Eventually ship surrendered to Romanian authorities ch?v=FePw5PUWcjw
Exam Question Explain why, in 1905, revolution broke out in Russia.
Liberals, Revolutionaries and Nationalists
Liberals, Revolutionaries and Nationalists Use p79-84 in Waller AS Russia books to take notes on the three main groups and their involvement in 1905 Liberals Revolutionaries Nationalists Liberals Leaders Demands Activities Reaction / Significance
Review Discuss the question on p85