Project 10 / ArtThread Work of Art Program Date Location © 2009 ArtThread Foundation 1
Project 10 / ArtThread Work of Art Program Presented By: Project 10: Transition Education Network University of South Florida St. Petersburg 529 1st Street South, SVB 108 St. Petersburg, FL 33701 p (727) 873-4661 f (727) 873-4660 © 2009 ArtThread Foundation 2
Project 10 / ArtThread Work of Art Program Project 10 – ArtThread Foundation Initiative for transitioning students The Work of Art Program A new program that fosters creative expression entrepreneurship life-skills self-reliance © 2009 ArtThread Foundation 3
- Main features of the Gallery Today’s Agenda - Have fun! - Scope and Purpose - Main features of the Gallery - Skill-Building and hands-on practice in using Splash and all facets of the Interactive Gallery - Product-maker and Online Store
Roles and responsibilities Materials and Support Today’s Agenda - Have fun! -Implementing and spreading the use of the Project 10 ArtThread Work of Art Program Roles and responsibilities Materials and Support
Project 10 / ArtThread Work of Art Program ArtThread is: A 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation Quick background © 2009 ArtThread Foundation 6
Project 10 / ArtThread Work of Art Program Born from NIH-NCI-NTIA-funded research at University of Florida N.I.H.-National Institutes of Health, medical research center N.C.I.—National Cancer Institute N.T.I.A.—National Telecommunications and Information Administration © 2009 ArtThread Foundation
Project 10 / ArtThread Work of Art Program The ArtThread Foundation mission: Making art and creative expression more available... to those impacted by illness, physical limitations, or social consequence. © 2009 ArtThread Foundation 8
The ArtThread Foundation mission: ArtThread uses the universal reach of technology to nurture creative expression...
Project 10 / ArtThread Work of Art Program The ArtThread Foundation mission: ...and uses the spirit of social entrepreneurship to help other organizations fulfill their mission. © 2009 ArtThread Foundation 10
Service, Education, Research
Project 10 / ArtThread Work of Art Program Service, Education, Research Electric Owl Studios: Born from the Carnegie Mellon ETC program, this Pittsburgh-based company is solely dedicated to developing unique and innovative entertainment for children. Electric Owl believes that each child has a natural creative instinct, and they have made it their job to tap into this and provide an outlet for that expression. The Studio's design team is responsible for the creation of "Splash," and continues to develop and support ArtThread's online artmaking technology. The Studio’s design team is responsible for the creation of “Splash” © 2009 ArtThread Foundation
Project 10 / ArtThread Work of Art Program The mission of Project 10: to assist Florida school districts and relevant stakeholders in building capacity to provide secondary transition services to students with disabilities in order to improve their academic success and post-school outcomes. © 2009 ArtThread Foundation 13
Project 10 / ArtThread Work of Art Program The mission of Project 10: …Project 10 serves as the primary conduit between the Florida Department of Education, specifically the Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services (BEESS), and relevant school district personnel in addressing law and policy, effective practices, and research-based interventions in the area of transition services for youth with disabilities. © 2009 ArtThread Foundation 14
Project 10 / ArtThread Work of Art Program Project 10 – ArtThread Foundation Initiative The Work of Art Program © 2009 ArtThread Foundation 15
An innovative online technology and training program that serves transition-aged students with disabilities: creative expression social networking 21st century skill-building school-based enterprise self-determination
Think of the Gallery as: an art-to-art conversation an online graffiti wall social networking with paintbrushes a place to connect through creative expression
Let’s have some fun!
Gallery Roles: Thrivor Gallery Helper Gallery Approver Partner Manager
Project 10 / ArtThread Work of Art Program The Gallery: Uses the universal and safe language of art Bridges the gap across language and culture Provides a continuous means for support, connection, awareness, and expression For the entire Project 10 community – students, teachers, counselors, staff, and family In a nutshell… © 2009 ArtThread Foundation
Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art. Andy Warhol
Benefits for everyone: • School media coordinators: Secure social networking for students that teaches technology and graphics skills while providing a safe and appropriate social media environment based on art rather than words. • School administrators: A new way to build community and connections for students, staff, and parents, and a way to bring the whole community together to support their students. • Classroom teachers: A 21st century skills building activity and an online school-based enterprise that helps level the playing field for students with disabilities.
Benefits for everyone: • Art teachers: Innovative, game-like art-making software and an online gallery to show off class work, all fostering creative expression that transcends disability. • Counselors & behavioral specialists: A hands-on, art-based activity offering a positive therapeutic activity as a reward, and a tool to help counteract negative behavior. Families and friends: A new way to communicate and connect with the student; and connect with their own creative side. They can register, create their own art, and engage in the art-to-art conversations, too!
Benefits for everyone: • Students: Empowerment and a sense of accomplishment as they learn new technology and micro-enterprise skills while sharing their creative expression with their peer community, and others.
Steps to training people on the Gallery Pass it on: Steps to training people on the Gallery Tell the story Browse the Gallery Registration Splash! Save to My Gallery Making and working with Threads Sharing art with friends Making products with your art Where to get help Tell the story again
Your Elevator Pitch Students using creative expression to learn healthy ways to express themselves, transcend disability, and reach their own personal goals. The Work of Art Program combines peer support and connectivity, social networking, and creative expression into a school-based enterprise and self employment track. Centered on the ArtThread Interactive Gallery, the Project 10-Work of Art program offers a means for individual students to express themselves in a positive and healthy way, and to learn and practice skills for self-determination that lead to the attainment of their own personal goals.
Your Elevator Pitch Therapeutic Behavioral intervention Teaches 21st century and business skills Creative expression transcends disability Builds community
Creativity, Connection, and Community Empowerment through Creativity, Connection, and Community