Lauren Chretien 1st Hour October 11, 2012 Veterinarian Lauren Chretien 1st Hour October 11, 2012
Introduction It would be great if someone asked you what you do for a living, and answering saying you work with exotic animals. Being an exotic Veterinarian isn’t something you hear everyday. I have always wanted to be some sort of veterinarian even as a little girl. I was watching television one day and the endangered species commercial came on and it made me want to work with exotic animals, and make a change.
Nature Of Work Be able to work with other people. Don’t mess up! Do everything right! Find a cure. Take care of every animal. Keep them safe.
Working Conditions Physical and Mental. Physical- You are working with other things such as different animals. Mental-You really have to think about what kinds of medication, and different diagnoses. Indoor and outdoor Indoor - because working on an animal can be tough and you don’t want any distractions. Outdoor – because sometimes the animals are too big or wild to bring inside. Veterinarians often work long hours. They could work up to 50 hours per week. Veterinarians work in private clinics, farms, outdoors, or in labratories. Veterinarians may risk being bitten, kicked, or scratched when working with any animals. Sometimes this job may be emotionally stressful, you have to work with sick animals and concerned owners. Plus it could be noisy while handling the animals.
Training ,Qualifications, Advancement. Complete a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree at an accredited college of veterinary medicine. Possibly a bachelors degree. I will go to Michigan State for this education. Colleges look for students to have taken Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy, Physiology, Zoology, Microbiology, and Animal Science.
JOB OUTLOOK/EMPLOYMENT approximately 59,700 people are employed as a veterinarian. The job growth will be rising over the next 10 years. At some point, I would love to find a job opening somewhere around Charleston, South Carolina. If that doesn’t work out, I will stay here in Michigan with my family.
EARNINGS My lifestyle goals… Go to Michigan State. Move to South Carolina. Get my own home in Charleston, South Carolina. Salary… The median salary is to earn $43.32 an hour. The average salary is making $90,110 each year. I will purchase my first home.
RELATED OCCUPATION Some responsibilities of being a veterinarian are…. Making sure you know what your doing. Also you have to make sure that you love what you do so that your happy with it for the rest of your life. Be smart with your job and don’t mess anything up. I chose this career because I’ve always been inspired by animals and I want to work with them. A back -up career for me? Marine Biologist. Because I’d still be working with animals. Except I will be studying marine animals. The earnings are around $90,110 per year.
SUMMARY My feelings about being a veterinarian are pretty high. I have always had strong feelings about working with animals ever since I was a little girl. Something that I’m not looking forward into doing as a veterinarian is putting down animals. That’s one thing that I believe I will have a hard time doing because I have animals of my own, and It’s hard for me to even think about that. Overall, my learning experiences made me think differently about this job. It defiantly inspires me to study harder for this career or maybe even to study harder for something different.