Journeys UNIT 1 Part 1 Day 1
Setting Up LN Journal Learning Notebook (LN) – 5 Subject Notebook On front cover: Use a Sharpie Marker Learning Notebook Student Name 8-4 ELA-Raffensperger Period 8
Page 1 Sample and requirements Line 1 On the left side of the red line…in the margin - Date On the right side of the red line - Assignment Name There will be a daily starter question. Journal Entry Students will write daily objectives in LN. All journal entries not completed in class, must be finished prior to the next school day. Write in complete sentences. Vary sentence structure. All ELA Journals: LN, DoK, Grammar/Vocabulary Write in black or blue pen only. Write legibly.
Daily Starter Find desk, prepare to work. Starter instructions: On the first page of LN (Learner Notebook), write the date(left side of margin) and write a response to the following question. EX: What inspires people to embark on journeys? This is a free write response. Write any and every thought related to this question in LN. Writing should be in paragraph format, but spelling and conventions are less important in free writes than in other types of writing. Try to fill the page with ideas in response to the question. All students are expected to complete starters as soon as they enter the classroom. Periodic notebook checks will be taken for a classwork grade.
Next: Pair and Share With your seat partner, share the ideas from the response written in LN. You have one minute to talk and one minute to listen. Keep an eye on the clock! Analyze: are your responses more similar or more diverse? Expectation for Pair and Share is that each student participates. Discussion is limited to topic indicated on the slide. Pair and Share is limited to seat partners.
Learner Notebook Enter today’s date (8/1/2016) Title your starter Free Write—What inspires people to embark on journeys? Copy the objectives from the side board into LN after the last line of starter. Students are required to copy objectives daily into LN daily, dating pages as they are used. LN quizzes may ask for the objective or the date of a given page. Keeping LN organized enhances student success. Pair & Share
Homework Agenda will be used in class everyday. Copy homework from the board. Read independently. Record answer to DOK question in Journal if not completed in class. (black composition book) Complete unfinished classwork. Review notes in LN. Independent Reading is critical for improving reading skills. Graded assignments based on independent reading will be collected on a quarterly basis. Students will complete pages for Reading Scrapbooks based on Independent Reading.
DoK Journal Setup Reading DoK Notebook – black/white composition book. On front cover: Use a Sharpie Marker DoK Notebook Student Name 8-4 Teacher Name Period _____ Secure Quarterly DoK Calendar to front page. Instructions for daily assignment are on the calendar. Responses are to recorded daily after independent reading. Each entry must include: Title of Book and Author Date and Number of pages read. Three to five sentences (8th grade level)for each entry. Write in black or blue pen only, and Write legibly. Only work in journals will be graded. Loose leaf papers will not be accepted. DoK will count as a weekly classwork grade.
Grammar / Vocabulary Notebook Composition Notebook – color On front cover: Use a Sharpie Marker Grammar/Vocabulary Notebook Student Name 8-4 ELA-Raffensperger Period _____ Front – Grammar Date- left of margin Assignment *Pencil should be used for diagramming. Back – Vocabulary Date- left of margin Assignment Word – Underlined Meaning: Sentence: Write in black or blue pen only. Write legibly.
Submitting Work Classwork may or may not be collected for a grade. It is the expectation that all students will complete all activities. Incomplete work will be completed during working lunch or at an arranged alternative time ( after school, before school)
Syllabus Read the syllabus for Ms. Raffensperger’s Eighth Grade English Language Arts/SS. Share it with your parents or guardians tonight. Complete the blanks on the syllabus. Place it in secure location where you can refer to it as needed through the course of the year. You can expect this to be checked while you are completing your starter tomorrow.