Johnson County Health Department Paintsville, Kentucky Jennifer McCoart, Health Educator
Why Diabetes, Why Now? Self Rated Health Status (% of Adults who report fair or poor health) 27.7% County Health Rankings (2015) 10% higher than the national average Adult Prevalence of Obesity (%; Age-adjusted) 39.4% CDC (2012) No exercise: adults (% ; Age-Adjusted) 33.8% BRFSS (2006—2012) Recommended Fruit and Vegetable Intake (% adults) 8.8% 11.0% - Kentucky Health Facts (2011— 2013) # of Recreational Facilities 1 County Business Partners (2013) Median Household Income $34,271 Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (2014) Almost $20,000 lower than the national average Local school systems are seeing students with Type 2 Diabetes in high school and middle school
How to Get People Motivated Remove Barriers No Fee No set distance or time requirements to walk Alternate locations in the county Increase Interest Free t-shirts to the first 100 registered Community Partners/giveaways Free screenings Free door prizes at each walk FITBIT HR Adult Bicycles
Event Promotion ←JCHD Facebook Page We had over 7,000 views and 100 shares within the first 24 hours. Local News Paper → We purchased ad space and they in turn did a front page feature story.
Registration Forms The JCHD Facebook Page The local news paper Paper copies at the Health Department Registration Desk Distributed to the school system Paper Copies to the local CURVES and gym with the silver sneakers program Distributed to our DPP and DSME classes
Community Partners Paul B. Hall Medical Center University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Nutrition Education Program Passport Health Plan Big Sandy Diabetes Coalition Highlands Regional Medical Center
Almost 70 participants Ranging in age from 14-77 FIRST WALK SEPTEMBER 17th 40 Preregistered Almost 70 participants Ranging in age from 14-77
Free Screenings Walkers who participated in the free screening also got a second chance to enter for a door prize.
Trail Signs We had 25 signs printed with Diabetes Facts, Warning Signs and Prevention Tips
First Group to GET MOVING!
Promoted social media post from the event Selfie Sign Promoted social media post from the event