SELF-ASSESSMENT- WHAT’S THE BEST PLAN FOR YOU? Evaluate and analyze your interests, strengths and abilities Complete the on-line career interest survey available to all students at (username and password needed) Complete the skills assessment available to all students at (username and password needed) Discuss results with parents and save results to your portfolio Review post-secondary options of interest to you : two year college, four year college, military, technical school
POST-SECONDARY CHARACTERISTICS- WHERE IS THE BEST PLACE FOR YOU? Consider the following when creating a list of potential post- secondary schools: Major course of study and future career path Academic admission requirements Geographical location Size Financial Obligations Extracurricular activities This search can be completed on or on the SAT/ACT website.
COLLEGE RESOURCES- YOU MUST DO THE RESEARCH Utilize the following resources in order to gain information regarding post- secondary school education: username and password needed Internet- research colleges, financial aid, scholarships Reference Books- available in the Counseling Office College Representative Visits- calendar is posted on our website under “resources”; “school counseling” College Campus Open Houses and Visits- check college websites School Counseling Website- use this!!! FLEX SESSIONS WITH THE SCHOOL COUNSELORS
TESTING REQUIREMENTS- YOU MUST SIGN UP ON YOUR OWN Learn the requirements for each post-secondary school you are considering. Both the SAT and ACT are college entrance exams accepted by all post-secondary schools nationally. It is recommended that you sign up for the SAT and ACT test during your junior year. You can do this now on the following websites: SAT- ACT-
FLEX SESSIONS- BE SURE TO SIGN UP School Counselors offer sessions during the flex period to assist you in the post-secondary planning process. Please pay close attention to announcements, school email, Remind, and Twitter for specifics on dates and topics for the sessions. Flex Topics: paying for college, financial aid, application process, job shadowing, college search session utilizing your computer, college assessments SAT/ACT, stress management, career portfolio/senior portfolio presentation, tips for college/career success, Q & A
COUNSELOR ASSIGNMENT Individual appointments can be scheduled with your school counselor by reporting to the school counseling office and requesting an appointment. Also, you can email your school counselor at any time for any reason. Mrs. Caitlin Hawkins ( A-Di Mrs. Beth Shive ( Dj-Ho Mrs. Karen Virtue ( Hp-Mila Ms. Sandra Gallagher ( Milb-Sc Mrs. Christy Greener ( Sd-Z