Loyola School of Theology


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Presentation transcript:

Loyola School of Theology A Synthesis Paper Mentor: Fr. MOMOSE Fumiaki, SJ Presented by: CHAN Yiu Sing, Luke (Lúcás) February 26, 2005

Reading the Creed anew with the liberating vision A Liberating Creed Reading the Creed anew with the liberating vision

Our Starting Point: concrete human experience Suffering

Christian understanding Asian Context Asian Sense Third World Asian Liberation Religions and Ideologies Christian understanding

Liberation FROM suffering Liberation FOR betterment From what? Liberation: A Two-step Process Liberation FROM suffering Liberation FOR betterment Theological Reflection: 2 basic questions From what? For what? SLAVERY OF SIN/EVIL THE KINGDOM OF GOD (in union with God)

The Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth Our Creed --the hinge that upon which everything in the Christian Faith turns-- I believe in God A Loving God Answers the questions about meaning/purpose of life Offers a sharing of his divine life Comes to meet man—reveals himself: In history on the margins of the society and SS his will to liberate us Grants us the grace of Faith that liberates our hearts so that we may freely respond to his revelation The Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth The God who delivers FROM: slavery FOR: freedom and new life A creative act: for a new heart and new spirit and new universe Creation: the first act of God’s liberation

I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord… Jesus the Liberator: His words/deeds/ministry and life FROM: physical suffering, social prejudice and sin FOR: the kingdom of God Paschal Mystery=perfection of his liberating action Death: redemptive, from slavery of sins, universal Resurrection: first fruit, principle and source of our resurrection Efficacious sign of God’s liberation I believe in the Holy Spirit An energizing force in our process of changes and liberation Grace of justification FROM: slavery of sin, law and the self FOR: sanctification and adoption Guides all to perfection Liberation includes the cosmic level

A Summary—The Triune God A Trinitarian act The immanent aspect of God: a social paradigm and an exemplar of a truly human society constitutes a call to liberation and building a genuine society (I believe in) The Holy Catholic Church Its sacramental and missionary nature A continuation, sign/instrument of God’s liberation, by: active presence, service to humanity the example of her life and teaching sacraments and other means of grace: the first and foremost: Christian Initiation more visible: Healing The Church needs to liberate herself as well

The Communion of Saints Communion finds its expression in solidarity Calls for solidarity Liberation takes concrete shape in the exercise of solidarity The Forgiveness of Sins, the Resurrection of the Body, and Life Everlasting Our two basic questions Parallel paradigm: Buddhism’s soteriology FROM: the consequences of sin FOR: the kingdom of God, which encompasses an everlasting life (the goal of liberation, the object of our hope) He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary Mary as the mother and model of (and intercessor for) the oppressed Mary as the promoter and supporter of liberation

A Liberating Creed Conclusion Our Christian understanding of God offers a more satisfactory view of suffering and liberation It is not just the alleviation of suffering but more importantly, liberation for the kingdom of God Liberation is founded on His love It demands Christian faith and hope The liberation tone can be clarified: Incarnation There is a caution: other facets of God and the ultimate meaning of liberation are not realized in this earthly life The signs of our time tell us that we are on a journey of liberation A Liberating Creed

The End