High School Math Courses CC 2.0 Algebra 1 & Geometry Edwina Shady Grove Middle School
High School Math Courses CC 2.0 Algebra 1 & Geometry Shella Shella Cherry Assistant Principal Pamela Kasayan Algebra & Geometry Edwina Kollo Algebra, Algebra Support, IM Support, Math Content Specialist
High School Credit Course Course grade goes on high school transcript Colleges are focused on semester grades 1st Semester = First Quarter + Second Quarter 2nd Semester = Third Quarter + Fourth Quarter Quarter Grades 10% Required Quarterly Assessment 80% Assessments 10% Homework Edwina
Credit Requirements for 2016-17 In order to receive credit for Algebra 1 students must complete a full two-semester sequence earning a final grade of A, B, C, or D. In alignment with recent legislation passed by the Maryland General Assembly, the reference to passing the semester B (2nd Semester) final examination to earn high school credit in middle school has been removed. Students must perform at PARCC level 3 or higher in order to graduate Edwina
Required Quarterly Assessments “By replacing end-of-semester two-hour final exams with quarterly assessments, we will better serve our students by increasing instructional time, using formative assessment data throughout the school year to inform instruction, allowing students to receive timely supports and interventions, and providing students with more frequent and varied measures to demonstrate learning. Our goal is to use assessments to measure what our students are and are not learning so that teachers can adjust and improve instruction to make sure every student understands and masters the material..” Shella
Frequently Asked Questions Shella
MCPS Math Course Sequence Edwina
Course Outlines Algebra 1 Geometry Unit 1: Relationships between Quantities and Reasoning w/Equations Unit 2: Linear & Exponential Relationships Unit 4: Quadratic Relationships Unit 3: Descriptive Statistics Unit 5: Generalizing Function Properties Geometry Unit 1: Constructions, Congruence and Transformations Unit 2: Similarity, Right Triangles and Trigonometry Unit 3: Extending to Three Dimensions Unit 4: Connecting Algebra & Geometry through coordinates Unit 5: Circles Edwina
Homework Expectations Assigned almost nightly including weekends Reviewed daily Must show all work and attempts Mostly graded for completion for practice Tools: notes from daily instruction, warm ups, and TI-83 Edwina
Learning Expectations Advocate for support when needed Lunch CT Support After school Take initiative to get and make up missing work Use CT’s when possible Edwina
Assessment Overview MAP-M Required Quarterly Assessments (RQAs) PARCC Formative Assessments No impact on course grade Gives valuable data to teachers and decision makers for articulation and support Key component of student’s semester grade Helps to determine supports needed Data can be used by teachers, counselors & administrators for deciding supports needed. Does not yet factor into course grade. Impacts class grade Performance provides feedback for teachers on instruction and supports needed for students Shella
Assessment Timeline for Marking Period 1 Marking Period 2 Marking Period 3 Marking Period 4 RQAs October 21st – 28th January 6th – 13th March 20th – 24th June 5th – 9th Map M September 6th – October 28th January 9th – March 3rd April 3rd – June 9th PARCC May 1st – June 2nd *Algebra will take Algebra 1 PARCC **No updates have been provided on which PARCC Geometry students will take Shella
PARCC Assessments Performance Based Assessment Items This test will focus on using real-world problems to apply skills, concepts, and understandings to solve multi- step problems requiring abstract reasoning, precision, perseverance, and strategic use of tools End of Year Assessment Items Students will demonstrate further conceptual understanding of the Major Content and Additional and Supporting Content of the grade/course, and demonstrate mathematical fluency, when applicable to the grade Edwina
All That Apply/Multiple Representations Questions PARCC Question Types Dynamic All That Apply/Multiple Representations Questions Edwina
How You Can Support Your Student County Website Course overview Exam reviews Course description Resources by unit Flexbooks (found on school site) Khan Academy Edline Contact Us Edwina
Contact Us Shella_B_Cherry@mcpsmd.org Shella Cherry, Assistant Principal Pamela_Kasayan@mcpsmd.org Pamela Kasayan, Algebra & Geometry Teacher Shella Edwina_Bawuah@mcpsmd.org Edwina Kollo, Algebra, Algebra Support, IM Support, Math Content Specialist