Open Source Software Development
Overview OSS OSSD OSSD vs PSD Future
Free OSS ? “Software that gives users rights to run, copy, distribute, change and improve it as they see it, without them asking permission from or make payments to any external group or person”. -Mitre FOSS report 2002
Free Speech not Free Beer Free as in “Freedom” Freedom to study the code Freedom to improve the program Freedom to run the program anytime, for any purpose on any machine. Freedom to redistribute. Free Speech not Free Beer
Open Source Software ? Open source software is FreeOSS that uses any license approved by the Open Source Initiative (OSI) from their list of approved open source licenses
Free OSS Licenses GPL 55% Apache 8% BSD 7% Other 30%
Free OS Software Apache BIND Emacs FreeBSD Ghostscript Jakarta Jboss LaTex Linux MySQL Open Office Perl Samba Sendmail Snort Squid
Don’t get confused FreeWare ShareWare Public Domain software PDS + License = Open Source Software
Why OSS ? Customizable Improvable Redistributable. Runs Everywhere, for everyone. Transparency. Free !!!
Next…. OSS OSSD OSSD vs PSD Future
Surprising !! How can the technical work of dozens, or even hundreds, of developers be coordinated without the usual project management apparatus? How do useful, well-designed products emerge from the individual actions of widely-distributed developers, with minimal central planning and relatively impoverished communication?
The OSS Developer WAY ! Discuss the “itch” with a few Code Development starts Create website and “announce”. Community evolves Functionalities added Feedback and Communication flows
Basic Open Source Software Development Process Manage Configuration Develop OSS Code Download and Install Communicate Experience Assert Requirements-Design End-Use Read, Analyze and Redesign OSS Community Development Process
Communication is Informal!! Community communications Threaded discussion forums Email (list servers) Newsgroups IRChat/Instant messages Community digests (“Kernel Cousins”)
People involved Reviewers Bug Report and Fix Functionalities Core
Some tools
OSSD into commercial world IBM considers it important Customers ask for it Developing in open community leads to innovation Develops open standards
Linux today
Why is OSSD successful ? Collaboration is decentralized.Integration is controlled Too many resources to fail So many eyeballs looking at the code Self-motivated , self-assigned programmers. Large scale Peer Review User Driven requirements
Next…. OSS OSSD OSSD vs PSD Future
It differs a lot ! Different Paradigms Cathedral vs Bazaar To name a few Assignment of work Change Management Testing & Bug Fixing
Assignment of work You assign (Baby Sitter) I pick (Parent) Laggard Sit inside the boundary I pick (Parent) More responsibility More care Avenues for exploration Quality product
Change Management Is this a feasible methodology ? Can it be imbibed by PSD ?
Testing and Bug Fixing PS Industry spends 40% of time on testing and bug fixing. White box testing Black box testing In OSSD it is a community process Bugzilla IssueTracker
Strengths and Limitations of OSSD Cheaper Runs for Everyone , Everywhere Limitations Product structure and Comprehension Effective ways of incorporating requirements of non-developer users? With larger scale, will coordination needs force adoption of “commercial” development techniques? How to collaborate on “big” features? How to respond to unanticipated events
PSD better ? Scaled projects Time Factor Equal Priority to every module Quality
Next…. OSS OSSD OSSD vs PSD Future
Software Industry is changing Competition Client is no longer passive Have to deal with drastic changes Developer takes the centre stage Short iterations Dynamic Distributed
OSSD + PSD is it possible Can XXSD evolve from OSSD and PSD which enables Managing of distributed projects Addressing Dynamism of Software Industry Architecture where different organizations can work on a common problem for mutual benefits. Providing quality software
Questions for you Is OSSD a substitute for PSD ? Are bugs left unsolved in OSSD? OSS is where some person or a small group contributes a major part and then people come in and start contributions. How long would such a model last ? What happens if everyone becomes an OSS developer ? Is OSSD geographically distributed PSD ?