Typography. typography typography Typography. Typography Typography Typography typography typography Typography Typography Typography typography Typography typography
Type as a design element should not be an afterthought, but rather an integral part of the design. Through the effective use of type we convey more than mere words. Different typefaces convey different emotional qualities.
Examples of Basic Type Fonts Serif Vs Sans-Serif
Examples of Typography as Art
Examples of Typography as Art
Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger
In Class Assignment: Create a design using the letters from the word “Typography.” The letters do not have to read as a word, but rather look at the individual letter forms and make an interesting statement about Typography by using all the letters. You should use all the other Elements of Art (space, line, shape, value, texture, & color) to enhance the design. Do a sheet of thumbnails to work out your composition before beginning your final design.
Homework: Logo Design: Using Typography and any of the Elements of Art that apply, design your own Logo for a T-shirt. You may use the format and method that suits your design the best, however, the design should use the full Bristol page. Be Prepared to Discuss your Color scheme, Format, and Basic Ideas for your Design.