A Vision for Elementary Education at SKUSD By Jeff Weinstein, Leanne Hargus and Dan Wexler
Whole Child Education
Campus Safety
Free Meals
Academic and Social Counseling Services
After School Enrichment
Pre-K and TK
Growth in Student Achievement: ELA
Growth in Student Achievement: Math
Assessment: Renaissance Learning STAR Reading STAR Math STAR Early Literacy Tests are pre-built. Adaptive tests are shorter. ELA and Math tests each take about 25 minutes to complete. About 1 hour of testing, 3 - 4 times a year. Adaptive tests adapt to the student’s skill level, so the assessments are at just the right difficulty level. Adaptive tests draw from large item bank. Students do not repeat the same questions when they take the tests throughout the year. Very useful reports for teachers Easy to use High Reliability and Validity: Scores accurately measure student performance STAR Early Literacy assessment is customized for K-1 students Assessments are short and easy for students to take Valid, actionable data
Blended Learning Blended learning is a combination of traditional instruction and digital learning.
Technology Program: Chromebooks Grades 3-5 Chromebooks 5th grade 1:1 take home 4th grade 1:1 stay at school 3rd grade 7 in each classroom and one cart Hardware
Technology Program: iPads Kindergarten - 2nd 1 cart per grade level 6 per room
Our Language Arts Program McGraw Hill CA Wonders Program
Literacy Program Foundation of student achievement OverDrive digital library Rich print book collection Accelerated Reader Drop Everything And Read
Scholastic Reading Intervention iRead during whole class iPad lessons
Google Apps for Education 21st century education: Communication Collaboration Critical Thinking Creativity Grades 2-5 Docs, Slides, Classroom, GoGuardian Writing strand ELA CCSS Woven throughout CCSS
Our Math Program IXL McGraw Hill MyMath Provides real time feedback to students and teachers Teachers tutor struggling students using Trouble Spots report Differentiated instruction Data driven instruction McGraw Hill MyMath
Other Elements
New Programs for Faculty
2 Para-Educator per Grade
100 additional minutes per week for Planning
Curriculum Mapping
Professional Development
Take home Laptops over Summer