Exhibition design task Now you can experience how a museologist of a small museum works. In this presentation, each slide represents the background of an exhibition showcase. Your task is to arrange the objects and text in the showcase and add some images downloaded from the internet or your own collection if you wish. We have provided images of four objects ( on one, there are two objects represented.) We also inserted two text panels and two stands and that you can resize The size of the objects should remain the same. You can also add more stands or text panels if need be. (Some examples are provided at the end of this ppt.). Your task is to arrange two showcases (or more, if you want to). Find out what the message of this small exhibition can be and create a text accordingly. Design the typography: choose letter type, size and colour for the text and colour and pattern for the background. Add images or maps if you wish. Be creative: design an innovative installation! Save your design under this title: yoursurname_showcase 1.ppt The objects: Movable sculpture of a devil. Milano, Palazzo Sforza Dragon. Bronze sculpture standing on one of the squares in Ljubljana Ass-shaped nut. Hungarian Museum of Natural History, Budapest. Mammoth bone (previously supposed to be the bone of a dragon) with a chain attached. Hungarian Museum of Natural History, Budapest.
Title of the showcase Object label
Title of the showcase Object label
Title of the showcase Object label
Title of the showcase Object label
Dragon? Information
Title of the showcase Information
Title of the showcase Information
Text Text