Why Offer a Self-Esteem Workshop?
The effects of low body confidence/low self-esteem Beauty-related anxiety is a big problem, and is recognized as an important issue by young people all around the world. Australian girls say that body image is one of their top three worries in life. One in three 6-year-olds in Japan experiences low body confidence. 81% of 10- year-old girls in the U.S. are afraid of being fat. And more than 110,000 girls in Brazil underwent cosmetic surgery in 2009. A global study commissioned by Dove revealed that six out of 10 girls opt out of important activities because they’re worried about the way they look. Low body confidence and low self-esteem can also affect a child's learning and school life. In fact, studies have found that anxiety about drawing attention to appearance have actually been linked to reduced capacity to focus in class, and less active participation or engagement in class, which results in poorer academic performance. Six out of 10 girls admit to avoiding at least one “normal” everyday activity because of feeling concerned about their looks, with one in 10 admitting to skipping school for this reason. In addition, studies in Finland, China, and the U.S. show that a girl’s perception on the way she looks has an impact on her academic performance: girls who think they are overweight, regardless of their actual weight, have lower grades.
Recognizing the signs of low body confidence An overt focus on weight or body shape. Complaining about features such as her skin color, freckles, acne or seem generally upset about her looks. Talking about bullies at school Obsession with celebrities who have impossibly long limbs and Photoshopped bodies— beauty standards that are impossible to achieve. Ask – talk to your daughter about how she feels about herself? What does she like about herself? What is she good at? What does she not like about herself, and ways to change or improve?
The fight against low body confidence starts here The good news is that there is plenty we can do to boost self- esteem and body confidence for girls in elementary school. One of them is the Dove Self-Esteem Project
Dove Self Esteem Project
The Dove Self-Esteem Project In 2004, Dove worked with leading experts, in the fields of psychology, health, and body image, and created a program of world-class resources, many of which have been scientifically proven to significantly develop and increase body confidence and self-esteem in young people. The curriculum is primarily aimed at 11-14 years old. The workshop is a five-session program, which covers the issues that affect body confidence. Topics which we will be discussing include: the media, social media, and advertising, and how they promote appearance ideals with negative consequences. strategies to promote and protect their body confidence commit to positive action to champion body confidence in themselves and others
The effects of the workshop Research has shown that students who participate in the body- confidence workshops have improved body image and self- esteem, and they feel more confident to participate in social and academic activities. Students develop respect for their own individuality and the diversity they see around them.
What can Parents do to Boost their Child’s Body Confidence and Self-Esteem? Sign your child up for the self-esteem workshop. Talk to your child, tell them you love them regardless of what they look like. Log onto the Dove Self-Esteem website: http://selfesteem.dove.us/Articles/Written/Mums-and- Dads.aspx Encourage service to others and help your child see that she can make a positive difference by helping others.
Limit time on Social Media https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hER0Qp6QJNU&feature=youtu.be
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