What is new in Social Studies Grade 8@ Highlands? Richard Dillon Social Studies Coordinator
Shifts in Social Studies Content Delivery An Inquiry-Based Approach to Social Studies Learner Active Classrooms Problem based learning Technology Integration Dual Language
Shifts in Social Studies Content and Skills Social Studies Framework: The NYS guide for social studies content, practices, key ideas, and conceptual understandings. Intended to help school districts write their own social studies curriculum. Key Ideas: Present larger social studies perspectives, trends, and issues (8-12 key ideas per grade level). Conceptual Understanding: Statements that support the key ideas/concepts. Content Specifications: Specific content that will be taught to support conceptual understanding. Social Studies Practices: Social studies and historical thinking skills. Unifying Themes: Different lenses that can be applied to the key ideas and conceptual understandings. Inquiry Arc: Develop questions; apply disciplinary tools and concepts; evaluate sources and use evidence; communicate conclusions and take informed action.
New York State Social Studies Framework
8 Grade Social Studies-Content History of the United States and New York State II Grade 8 Social Studies is arranged chronologically, beginning with Reconstruction and ending at the present, and incorporates geography as well as economic, social and political trends. The course content is divided into nine Key Ideas; the first seven trace the human experience in the United States from Reconstruction to the end of World War II. The last three Key Ideas examine different themes in United States and New York State history from the post- War period up to the present day, which provides the opportunity to explore contemporary issues.
8 Grade Social Studies Practices Gathering, Interpreting and Using Evidence Chronological Reasoning Comparison and Contextualization Geographic Reasoning Civic Participation Economics and Economic Systems
8 Grade Social Studies Scope and Sequence (adapted from NYC DOE)
8 Grade Social Studies Benchmarks Document Based (Stimulus) Questions and Essays Presentations using various media Assessments of topics and skills Research Project
8 Grade Social Studies-Resources Teacher Textbook Teachers Websites Mrs. Friedman Ms. Melendez Mrs. Meyers Mr. Mulcahy Mr. Sanchez Social Studies Page School Media Center District Resources Page Engageny.org