Acknowledgement of Country
Opening reflection
Our Reading today is one that has been told by my old people: How Water was first created
Response: We pray to the Creator Spirit for wisdom, help us to express and understand, what is happening within us and all around us.
Response: We pray to the Creator Spirit for wisdom, to help us to stop this, from ever happening.
‘We Cannot Say …’ We cannot say Our, if our religion has no room for others and their needs. We cannot say Father, if we do not demonstrate this relationship in our daily life. We cannot say in heaven, if all our interests are in things and possessions. We cannot say may your name be holy, if we do not strive to be holy. We cannot say your kingdom come, if we act like we are the centre of the universe.
We cannot say your will be done, if we are unwilling or resentful of God’s will in our life. We cannot say on earth as it is in heaven, unless we are willing to serve and help others. We cannot say give us this day our daily bread, without providing for others. We cannot say forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us, if we continue to harbour a grudge against anyone. We cannot say save us in the time of trial, if we deliberately choose to remain in a situation where we are likely to be tempted.
We cannot say deliver us from evil, if we are not prepared to back up our plea for God’s help with constant prayer We cannot say yours is the kingdom, if we do not act as part of that kingdom—responsible, caring, and willing to serve. We cannot say yours is the glory, if we are seeking our own glory first. We cannot say forever, if we are always anxious about today’s worries and activities. We cannot say Amen, unless we honestly say,‘Cost what it may, this is our prayer’. Author unknown from Not Enough - Resource Sheet 12, Uniting Care