Plastic waste
Where does plastic go? What do you do with your used plastic when you are finished with it? Pop bottles Sweet wrappers Yoghurt pots Meat packaging
Have you bought any of these products over the last month? How many?
What happens to our plastic?
Keurig cup
Q1. How many years does it take for a plastic bottle to degrade fully?
Q2. Which countries produce the most plastic waste? China Thailand India USA
Which countries generate the most/least plastic pollution?
Q3. What percentage of household waste is plastic? 7 % 11% 17% 30%
Q4. On average how many plastic bags are used world wide every minute? One thousand One hundred thousand One million One billion
The story of the plastic bottle
Q5. What are most plastics made from? Coal Oil Gas Plastic
Q6. Recycling one plastic bottle saves enough energy to power one 60 watt light bulb for… 6 minutes 60 minutes 6 hours One day
Where does the plastic end up?
Where does our waste end up?
Where does our waste end up? Animals become trapped in litter and are unable to free themselves, sometimes suffocating
Where does our waste end up? Approximately 100,000 animals such as dolphins, turtles, whales, penguins are killed every year due to plastic bags
Where does our waste end up? Turtles eat the plastic Plastic in their gut doesn’t break down Turtles feel full and don’t eat… Turtles starve to death
Where does our waste end up? What’s wrong with this picture?
Even you… Some people don’t care about the birds and the bees – they want their plastic! But do you want plastic inside you? Plastic breaks down into microplastic particles that can enter your body in your food!
What can we do? Can you think of how we can reduce the damaging effects of plastic pollution? At school? At home? In our country?
Plastic free for a month! Could you live without buying plastic for a month? Could you say no to: Say no to plastic bottles Say no to plastic bags Say no to plastic drinks straws
The Plastic Free Challenge
What else can you do? Ask your local shops to charge for plastic bags or stop giving so many out
What can you recycle?
What happens to plastic sent for recycling?
What happens to plastic sent for recycling?
Recycling – help save our planet In your book make a poster to show why we should recycle. You need to include: Information about plastic waste (this could be types, quantities, uses etc) Where plastic comes from and what happens to it What we should do with used plastic Why it is important to reuse or recycle plastic