History of the Arabic Language Profev А.
ARABIC LANGUAGE generalized name for various dialects and dialects spoken by Arabs, as well as a common literary language
Mentioned peoples of the Arabian desert, called "Arabs", are found in military Assyrian chronicles of the 8th-7th centuries BC, in the biblical texts of the 9th century BC, in the epigraphic texts of the ancient states of South Arabia, among ancient authors (for example, in Herodotus, 5th century BC), in early medieval Byzantine and Syrian sources.
The most important milestones in the history of the Arabic language are the emergence of Islam and the development of its own writing (7th century AD). The first epigraphic (mostly on stone) monuments of the Arabic language are reports of the movements of fellow tribesmen, shepherds with camel herds, and gravestone and dedicatory inscriptions.
The first written monument of the general Arabic language - the Koran, recorded in the middle of the 7th century AD. The sacred character of the text of the Koran conditioned the preservation of all its linguistic features without significant changes to date.
Medieval Arab sources testify to the fact that the discrepancy between literary Arabic and its dialectically fragmented colloquial form already by the 10th century was observed in all Arabic-speaking territories.
Arabic is common in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Western Sahara, Somalia, Djibouti, the Republic of Chad.
References Zvegintsev V.A. History of Arabic linguistics. M., 1958 Belkin V.M. Arabic lexicology. M., 1975 Essays on the history of Arabic culture of the V-XV centuries. M., 1982 Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. M., 1990
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