Adjectives & Adverbs Two parts of speech known as modifiers. When used well, they can add excitement and clarity to your writing.
Adjectives An adjective is a word that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun. An adjective answers the questions: what kind, which one, or how many.
Adjective Examples Mr. Bracey has on a green and blue shirt. WHAT KIND? 2. Have you ever been to that stadium before? WHICH? 3.We had some pizza for dinner. HOW MANY?
Adjective Examples CAREFUL! Pronouns sometimes act as adjectives. This, that, these, and those are used as adjectives when they are followed by a noun. 1. This was fun. PRONOUN 2. This class is very noisy. ADJECTIVE
Adverbs An adverb is a word that modifies or describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. An adverb tells how, when, where, how often, and how much or to what extent. Adverbs often end in –ly.
Adverb Examples John reads quickly. MODIFIES VERB READS 2. John reads very quickly. MODIFIES ADVERB QUICKLY 3. John is very quick when he reads. MODIFIES ADJECTIVE QUICK
Adjective Clause & Adverb Clause
Adjective Clause An adjective clause, like an adjective, can modify a noun or a pronoun. It begins with a relative pronoun, such as who, or a relative adverb, such as where. We gave cereal samples to every customer who came in today. Who refers to customer, so the adjective clause modifies customer. The Smith family moved to Rochester, where the schools are considered excellent. Nonessential information is set off by a comma.
Adverb Clause An adverb clause, like an adverb, can modify a verb, an adjective, or an adverb. It begins with a subordinating conjunction, such as because or if. Adverb clauses generally explain when, where, why, how, under what condition, to what degree, or with what result. Grant decided to study more after he saw his midterm grades. The adverb clause modifies the verb decided, explaining when Grant decided to study more. If an adverb clause starts a sentence, it is usually followed by a comma. After he saw his midterm grades, Grant decided to study more.