What Went Wrong? The class between Islam and the West
From Islam, a world civilization
To the “Sick Man of Europe” From Lepanto 1571 to……………………………
To the “Sick Man of Europe” From Lepanto to………………… Navarino 1827
The Treaty of Karlowitz 1699 Ottoman Defeat at the Battle of Zenta Beginning of the decline/1st major loss Coalition of the Hapsburgs, Peter the Great, The City State of Venice and the Holy Roman Empire First negotiation for the Ottomans
What Went Wrong and Why “By 1920, the triumph of Europe over Islam was complete.” Printing Press – Koran is only sacred book Travel – No diplomats Language – No Muslim Dragomans Superiority of Islam – Nothing can be learned from Infidels Rights of Women
What Went Wrong and Why “Who did this to us?” Mongol Invasion Nationalism Western Imperialism The Jews The U.S. People who do not benefit from Islamic Law Women, Slaves, and Unbelievers
Culturally Different Traditions Treatment of Women Science Music
Attaturk “Think of the Turkish victory of 1453, the conquest of Constantinople, and its place in the course of world history. That same might and power which, in defiance of the whole world, made Istanbul forever the property of the Turkish people, was too weak to overcome the ill-omened resistance of the men of law and to receive in Turkey the printing press, which had been invented at about the same time. Three centuries of observation and hesitation were needed, of effort and energy expended for and against, before antiquated laws and their exponents would permit the entry of printing into our country.”
Secularism v. Islam Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden
Secularism v. Islam “Render unto Caesar” “My Kingdom is not of this world”
Secularism v. Islam Civil Society Hierarchy French Revolution