Birthplace of Three Religions Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have their roots in the Middle East Judaism – Abraham (Mesopotamia) Christianity-Jesus Christ (Israel) Islam – Muhammad (Saudi Arabia) All are monotheistic
Jerusalem/Dome of the Rock Judaism – Abraham & Isaac, King Solomon’s Temple Christianity-Abraham & Isaac Islam – Spot where Mohammad ascended into heaven
JUDAISM Judaism is the oldest religion Abraham is regarded as the father and founder of the Jewish religion God made a covenant with Abraham Moses led the Jews out of Captivity God gave the Jewish people the Ten Commandments Holy Book – Torah -1st 5 books of the Bible Synagogue – Jewish house of Worship Jehovah – True God of the Bible Rabbi – Spiritual Leader
CHRISTIANITY Jesus – Founder of Christianity Crucifixion/Resurrection Cross – Symbol of Christianity Largest religion in the world Holy Book – Bible – Stories of Jesus’ journeys and all he did Church – Place of Worship Spiritual leader – Minister
ISLAM 2ND Largest religion in the world Based on beliefs on Jews & Christians Abraham is the 1st important figure Belief in same single God Follows teachings of Muhammad Holy Book – Koran God – Allah House of Worship – Mosque Must complete 5 Pillars of Faith Declaration of Faith Pray Five Times a Day Give to the Poor Fasting During Ramadan Pilgrimage to Mecca
EXIT ASSIGNMENT Compare and contrast the religions of the Middle East in a well constructed paragraph.
RELIGIONS OF THE FAR EAST These religions have no gods like Allah, but advocate ethical and moral principles designed to improve the believer's relationship with the universe….
HINDUISM Polytheistic believe in many Gods Earliest records are Aryan Sanskrit – Language of Aryans Aryan Priests Poems & Hymns – collections – Vedas Brahman – Universal spirit present in all living things –creates & destroys life Forbid killing of animals –Cow is Sacred Reincarnation One reaches a state of perfection – moksha – self merges with Brahman Belief in Caste System - Karma
BUDDHISM Follow teaching of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha –eliminate suffering Enlightenment –realizing the truth Believe in no God House of Worship - temple Believe World is imperfect –Buddha Karma Dharma, Reincarnation Goal – Reach Nirvana Reject Caste System Four Noble Truths Life is full of suffering Suffering is caused by desire Eliminate Suffering by eliminating desire Eliminate desire by following Eightfold Path
CONFUCIANISM A Philosophy Founder – Confucius – Supreme Sage No place of worship Consists of teachings of Confucius –to become a person of moral quality Major Scripture – Analects FIVE RELATIONSHIPS Ruler to Subject Father to Son Husband to Wife Elder Brother to Younger Brother Friend to Friend
REFLECTION Read over the facts on the religions of the Middle and Far East? What are the major differences between them?