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Presentation transcript:


Kigali, 7 – 11 December 2015

I. Background TRANSFORMING OUR WORLD: THE 2030 AGENDA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Concerning Statistics.. Para. 47: Quality, accessible, timely and reliable disaggregated data will be needed to help with the measurement of progress and to ensure that no one is left behind. Such data is key to decision-making. [MANDATE / ROLE OF DATA] Data and information from existing reporting mechanisms should be used where possible. [REPORTING] We agree to intensify our efforts to strengthen statistical capacities in developing countries, particularly African countries, least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, small island developing States and middle-income countries. [STATISTICAL CAPACITY BUILDING]

I. Background (ct’d) Para. 75: TRANSFORMING OUR WORLD: THE 2030 AGENDA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Concerning Statistics.. Para. 75: The global indicator framework, to be developed by the Inter Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators, will be agreed by the UN Statistical Commission by March 2016 and adopted thereafter by the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly, in line with existing mandates. [MANDATE FOR UNSC AND IAEG-SDGs] This framework will be simple yet robust, address all SDGs and targets including for means of implementation, and preserve the political balance, integration and ambition contained therein. [COMPREHENSIVENESS]

I. Background (ct’d) From June 2015 to March 2016, following the mandate given by the GA, Statcom through the IAEG-SDGs worked very intensively on the development of the global indicator framework for the follow up and review of progress made towards the attainment of 2030 Agenda; The process of the development of the set of SDG indicators was inclusive, open and transparent. It involved a large number of stakeholders, through many interactive consultations; A report of the work of IAEG-SDGs including the full list of indicators was presented to the 47th Session of Statcom in March 2016.

II. Outcome of 47th Statcom Decision 1: Global Indicator Framework for goals and targets of 2030 Agenda Agreed as a practical starting point with proposed global indicator framework for Goals and targets of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as reflected in the list of indicators presented in annex IV of the report, subject to future technical refinement Requested IAEG-SDGs to take into account specific proposals for refinements of indicators made by Member States during the discussion Recognized that development of robust, high-quality indicator framework is a technical process that will need to continue over time, including by making use of expertise in other related expert processes, and requested IAEG-SDGs to provide its proposals and a plan for reviews of indicator framework to 48th session of Statistical Commission Agreed with proposed programme of work by IAEG-SDGs for implementation of global indicator framework and its proposed work plan for the coming year

II. Outcome of 47th Statcom (ct’d) Decision 1: Global Indicator Framework for goals and targets of 2030 Agenda IAEG-SDGs to report back to the commission at its 48th session on progress made especially on plans to develop methodologies for indicators in tier III, including with work on definitions and standards to be agreed at international level for international comparability Emphasised that the global indicators are intended for global follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda. Indicators for regional, national and subnational levels of monitoring will be developed at the regional and national levels Emphasized that national ownership is key to achieving sustainable development and that national reviews are voluntary and country-led, will take into account different national realities, capacities and levels of development and will respect policy space and priorities for all countries, including LDCs, LLDCs, SIDS and other countries in special situations;

II. Outcome of 47th Statcom (ct’d) Decision 1: Global Indicator Framework for goals and targets of 2030 Agenda Stressed that implementation of indicator framework will present a challenge in many countries and appropriate efforts to strengthen national statistical capacities will be needed, including by ensuring coordination between the IAEG-SDGs and the HLG; in accordance with ECOSOC resolution 2006/6 capacity building will be particularly important in developing countries, especially African countries, LDCs, LLDCs, SIDS and other countries in special situations; Agreed that compilation of global indicators will be based to greatest extent possible on comparable and standardized national official statistics, provided by countries to international statistical systems and that when other sources and methodologies are used, these will be reviewed and agreed by national statistical authorities and presented in a transparent manner;

III. Global Indicator Framework Full list of indicators: http://unstats.un.org.sdgs/ Global indicators will be the core of all other sets of indicators Member States will develop indicators at regional, national and sub national levels to complement the global indicators, taking into account national circumstances. Thematic indicators are also being developed in a number of areas

V. IAEG-SDGs Workplan for 2016-2017 Agree on global reporting mechanism, identifying entities responsible for individual indicators to be provided to the Secretariat Establish tier system for indicators Establish workplan to further develop Tier III indicators Establish procedures for methodological review of indicators and approval mechanisms Review data availability for Tiers I and II Develop guidance on disaggregation Continue discussion on interlinkages across goals and targets and multi-purpose indicators Hold two meetings (March 2016 and Fall 2016) and continue to interact electronically and via teleconference

VI. Implementation of the Global Indicator Framework Establishment of a tiercing system Tier 1: Indicator conceptually clear, established methodology and standards available and data regularly produced by countries. Tier 2: Indicator conceptually clear, established methodology and standards available but data are not regularly produced by countries. Tier 3: Indicator for which there are no established methodology and standards or methodology/standards are being developed/tested.

Zero draft of tiercing system (to be finalised) VI. Implementation of the Global Indicator Framework (ct’d) Zero draft of tiercing system (to be finalised)   Tier I Tier II Tier III Blank or combo of Tiers Goal 1 3 4 1 Goal 2 7 2 5 Goal 3 15 Goal 4 Goal 5 6 Goal 6 Goal 7 Goal 8 10 Goal 9 8 Goal 10 Goal 11 Goal 12 Goal 13 Goal 14 Goal 15 Goal 16 9 Goal 17 Total tiers 98 50 78

VII. Global Reporting Mechanism and data flows Annual Global SDG Progress Report Process and responsibilities: 2030 Agenda mandate: “follow-up and review at the high-level political forum will be informed by an annual progress report on the Sustainable Development Goals to be prepared by the Secretary-General in cooperation with the United Nations system, based on the global indicator framework and data produced by national statistical systems and information collected at the regional level” International agencies are requested to compile global and regional aggregates of data on the SDG indicators based on their respective existing mandates and/or expertise. Quality standards and best practices should be defined and followed

VII. Global Reporting Mechanism and data flows (ct’d) Role of National Data 47th Statistical Commission Decision 1 (l): “Agreed that the compilation of global indicators will be based to the greatest extent possible on comparable and standardized national official statistics, provided by countries to the international statistical systems and that when other sources and methodologies are used, these will be reviewed and agreed by national statistical authorities and presented in a transparent manner;” International agencies will receive data from countries through well-established and further improved reporting mechanisms, support increased adoption and compliance with internationally agreed standards at the national level, and work for strengthening national statistical capacity and improving reporting mechanisms. Differences between data published at the national level and at the global level by international agencies will need to be systematically addressed;

VII. Global Reporting Mechanism and data flows (ct’d) Agency Headquarters: Estimates or modeled data National Statistical System UNSD Global SDG Indicator Database Line Ministry : country data and metadata Agency Headquarters Agency Headquarters NSOs: country data and metadata

VII. Global Reporting Mechanism and data flows (ct’d) Countries will provide their national data and metadata to international agencies, coordinated by the national statistical office, and facilitated as appropriate, by regional mechanisms; Countries may set up SDG data dissemination platforms for their national purposes and to allow general access to their data and metadata; International agencies will provide global and regional aggregates and accompanying metadata to UNSD for use in the annual progress report and inclusion in the SDG indicator database International agencies will provide country level data and accompanying metadata to UNSD for inclusion in a SDG indicator database, which will be used during the preparation of the annual SDG progress report and to monitor indicator 17.18.1 As much as possible, all data exchanges should strive to follow internationally established formats;

VII. Global Reporting Mechanism and data flows (ct’d) Technical Assistance International and regional entities will support countries: implementation of the SDG indicators according to their specific mandates with the aim to fill data gaps and achieve international comparability of national data; implementation of integrated national SDG data platforms with the aim to increase data availability.

Decisions from 47th Statistical Commission VIII. Mechanism for revision Decisions from 47th Statistical Commission Decision 1 (d) – “Agreed as a practical starting point with the proposed global indicator framework … subject to future technical refinement.” Decision 1 (e) – “Requested the IAEG-SDGs to take into account the specific proposals for refinements of indicators made by Member States during the discussion;” Decision 1 (f) – “… requested the Inter-agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators to provide proposals and a plan for reviews of the indicator framework, to the 48th session of the Statistical Commission”

VIII. Mechanism for revision (ct’d) Calendar for Revision/Review of Indicators 2017: Specific proposals for refinements made at the 47th Statistical Commission 2017: A work plan for the review of the indicator framework will be presented to the 48th Statistical Commission that includes: 2020: 1st review of proposed refinements 2025: 2nd review of proposed refinements

VIII. Mechanism for revision (ct’d) Work on reviewing the specific proposals for refinement will begin following the expected adoption of the global indicator framework by ECOSOC and the General Assembly The IAEG-SDGs will create a work plan for reviewing these proposals subject to the decisions on the global indicator framework made by ECOSOC and the General Assembly The IAEG-SDGs will report back to the 48th Statistical Commission on their work on reviewing these proposals for refinement and with potentially some proposed revisions of indicators for consideration by the Statistical Commission.

VIII. Mechanism for revision (ct’d) Special attention will be paid to indicators currently classified as Tier III to ensure that methodological work has progressed and data collection has begun The IAEG-SDGs will develop a more detailed work plan for the review and revision of these indicators and present it at the 48th Statistical Commission for its consideration Categories of indicators that may be considered for refinement/review include those mentioned on the following slide:

Categories of Indicators that may be Considered during the Review VIII. Mechanism for revision (ct’d) Categories of Indicators that may be Considered during the Review Indicators that are not aligned with the target, that do not fully reflect the target, or that go beyond the scope of the target Indicators included in the global indicator framework that are not sufficiently measureable or specific Indicators for which methodological development or data collection efforts have encountered significant difficulties Indicators where new tools and/or methodologies have become available

IX. Outcome of Mexico - Next steps Finalize the tiering system by July 2016; Creation of sub-group of IAEG-SDGs and 3 working groups A sub-group on data disaggregation 3 working groups under the auspices of the IAEG-SDGs on SDMX, Geospatial information and interlinkages The 3 working groups will be open to other countries, international organizations and stakeholders by invitation based on level of expertise and area of work IAEG will develop a plan for reviews of the indicator framework to present to the 48th Session of the Statistical Commission,

IX. Outcome of Mexico - Next steps (ct’d) Once the process of adoption of the global indicator framework by ECOSOC and the General Assembly is completed, IAEG-SDGs will take into account the specific proposals for refinement based on Statistical Commission decision 1 (e) Secretariat will request international agencies to submit detailed plans for developing Tier III indicators (29 July) Review and finalize plans proposed by international agencies to develop methodologies for indicators in tier III (15 September) Secretariat will request IAEG-SDGs members to provide scenarios on data flows from national to international level 4th meeting of IAEG-SDGs will be held in the fall of 2016.

X. Work of HLG Mandate HLG has met 4 times so far Created by UNSC in 2015 to provide strategic leadership for the SDG implementation process as it concerns statistical monitoring and reporting HLG has met 4 times so far Establishment of a Global Action Plan for data for the follow up and review of the 2030 Agenda Strategic leadership for SDG implementation as it concerns statistical monitoring and reporting within framework of FPOS and in close consultation with IAEG-SDGs and existing initiatives National ownership Capacity building Partnership and coordination Consistency between national and global monitoring and reporting Advisory and advocacy roles for resource mobilization and harnessing Data Revolution for sustainable development Guidance on the content and organization of a UN World Forum on Sustainable Development Data

X. Work of HLG (ct’d) UNSC Decisions regarding HLG Implementation of indicator framework will require appropriate efforts to strengthen national statistical capacities and ensuring coordination between the IAEG-SDGs and HLG [Decision 1(k)] Revised terms of reference will introduce rotation system for members and clarify role of HLG as UN focal point for coordinating with partnerships and other agencies of the UN system to address SDG data and statistical gaps [Decision 2(b)] Draft concept note for UN World Data Forum will be finalized by the HLG in full consultation with all relevant stakeholders and in line with UN Secretary-General’s synthesis report “The Road to Dignity” [Decision 2(d)] Outline of Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development Data will be developed further in consultation with all relevant stakeholders and taking into account existing regional roadmaps [Decision 2(e)]

X. Work of HLG (ct’d) UN World Data Forum An HLG subgroup prepared a draft concept note for the UN World Data Forum, which was submitted to the Statistical Commission at its forty-seventh session National Statistical Offices and International Organisations have been invited to provide their comments and feedback On 8 March, DESA invited countries to submit expressions of interest for hosting the UN World Data Forum Letters were received from 4 countries, and are currently being reviewed and followed up by the Secretariat The HLG subgroup will further refine the Concept Note and develop a detailed plan for the organization of the UN World Data Forum, to be formalized in May

Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development Data X. Work of HLG (ct’d) Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development Data The HLG presented an initial outline at the forty-seventh session of the Statistical Commission Aims to provide both a long-term vision and short-term guidance on statistical capacity for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda Its current structure consists of a preamble and key strategic areas and objectives The draft is a work in progress and will continue to be developed taking into account feedback from the global statistical community At its next meeting, the HLG will discuss further refinements of the draft, as well as possible timeframe for the Action Plan

X. Work of HLG (ct’d) Other activities The HLG has established a sub-group tasked with the development of a communication strategy and the establishment of mechanisms for the involvement of observers and issue partners in its activities Following a decision of the Statistical Commission at its 47th session, a joint IAEG-SDGs/HLG subgroup will be established to address statistical capacity-building priorities for the implementation of the global SDG indicator framework

Organization and activities UNSD Development Account Project on Strengthening Capacity for SDG- Monitoring Organization and activities 6 TARGET COUNTRIES: Cambodia, Vietnam and Philippines in Asia Ethiopia, Rwanda and Uganda in Africa; ACTIVITIES Desk studies examining current statistical capacity 2 Workshops; 3 Country missions by consultant Regional follow-up workshops TIMEFRAME 2015-2017 indicators must directly respond to the goals and targets agreed in the Open Working Group and their level of ambition; must not undermine or re-interpret the targets; must cover all targets, including targets on means of implementation and give equal weight to all targets; must maintain the balance achieved, and should not introduce any new or contentious issues.

The response - Objectives and Approach Increase awareness Discuss priorities Assess national capacities and gaps Assist in the creation of implementation plans Build capacity for their implementation indicators must directly respond to the goals and targets agreed in the Open Working Group and their level of ambition; must not undermine or re-interpret the targets; must cover all targets, including targets on means of implementation and give equal weight to all targets; must maintain the balance achieved, and should not introduce any new or contentious issues.

UNSD project and PARIS21 activities UNSD project to assist countries in SDG implementation SDG implementation requires update and implementation of National Strategies for the Development of Statistics (NSDS), as SDGs cover all statistical domains UNSD project requires capacity assessment, including identification of appropriate data sources across the NSS (and beyond) PARIS21 planning tool can assist countries in their capacity assessment indicators must directly respond to the goals and targets agreed in the Open Working Group and their level of ambition; must not undermine or re-interpret the targets; must cover all targets, including targets on means of implementation and give equal weight to all targets; must maintain the balance achieved, and should not introduce any new or contentious issues.

Project status – first conclusions Two kick-off workshops in November and December 2015 Two country missions to Cambodia and Rwanda SDG adoption/adaption/domestication/localization starts at the political level SDGs and indicators are discussed already intensively in countries indicators must directly respond to the goals and targets agreed in the Open Working Group and their level of ambition; must not undermine or re-interpret the targets; must cover all targets, including targets on means of implementation and give equal weight to all targets; must maintain the balance achieved, and should not introduce any new or contentious issues.

Project status – first conclusions Major challenges / capacity gaps identified so far: Political support is prerequisite Financial, human and material resources and technical skills within the NSO and throughout the national statistical system Particular challenges in coordination: Capacity at NSO to coordinate; Statistical capacity at line ministries Existing national indicators overlap with the indicators for global monitoring of the SDGs in many areas, but are not always defined and measured in the same way and do not cover sufficiently all SDGs and targets indicators must directly respond to the goals and targets agreed in the Open Working Group and their level of ambition; must not undermine or re-interpret the targets; must cover all targets, including targets on means of implementation and give equal weight to all targets; must maintain the balance achieved, and should not introduce any new or contentious issues.

Further information UNSD Website: THANK YOU http://unstats.un.org/sdgs/ THANK YOU