Identification through pluralization Review for Noun Quiz 2 Identification through pluralization
Find the nouns in the following sentence: Ms. Petersen eats a lot of ice cream. Click Two Times for Answers
Find the nouns in the following sentence: Ms. Petersen likes to go to the zoo. Click Two Times for Answers
Find the nouns in the following sentence: River Bank Zoo is an amazing place. Click Two Times for Answers
Find the nouns in the following sentence: Ms. Petersen has one sister, named Ashley. Click Two Times for Answers
Sort the following nouns into the correct column: Ashley zoo baseball Person Place Thing Ashley Zoo baseball Click Two Times for Answers
Sort the following nouns into the correct column: car park principal Person Place Thing Principal park car Click Two Times for Answers
Sort the following nouns into the correct column: calendar mom school Person Place Thing mom school calendar Click Two Times for Answers
Sort the following nouns into the correct column: doctor Mr. Petersen Common Proper doctor Mr. Petersen Click Two Times for Answers
Click Two Times for Answers Sort the following nouns into the correct column: field William’s Brice Stadium Common Proper Field William’s Brice Stadium Click Two Times for Answers
Sort the following nouns into the correct column: team Gamecocks Common Proper team Gamecocks Click Two Times for Answers
Find any letters that should be capitalized: Ms. petersen likes the book fever 1793. Click Two Times for Answers
Find any letters that should be capitalized: The atlantic ocean is on the east coast. Click Two Times for Answers
Find any letters that should be capitalized: The declaration of independence was signed by ben franklin. Click Two Times for Answers
Make the following noun plural: Calf calves Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: elf elves Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: toy Toys Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: knife knives Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: life lives Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: loaf loaves Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: self selves Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: shelf shelves Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: stereo stereos Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: wife wives Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: bottle bottles Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: pencil pencils Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: desk desks Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: sticker stickers Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: window windows Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: box boxes Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: watch watches Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: moss mosses Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: bus buses Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: wolf wolves Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: leaf leaves Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: baby babies Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: kidney kidneys Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: foot feet Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: memo memos Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: eye eyes Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: plate plates Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: potato potatoes Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: church churches Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: key keys Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: piano pianos Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: sheep Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: deer Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: tooth teeth Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: man men Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: child children Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: half halves Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: person people Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: goose geese Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: thief thieves Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: cactus cacti Click One Time for Answer
Make the following noun plural: ox oxen Click One Time for Answer