Sentences and Fragments Fragment—no subject Felt happy and relaxed. Sentence: I felt happy and relaxed. Fragment—no predicate (verb) The sign in the rehearsal hall. The sign in the rehearsal hall indicated the audition results. Fragment—not a complete idea When she first touched the drums. When she first touched the drums, her family wondered why they had consented to let her play. Sentences and Fragments Complete sentence must have SUBJECT PREDICATE (VERB) COMPLETE IDEA
Sentence or Fragment? An array of finely tuned instruments. Will play any instrument in the band. In the concert hall on the stage. Stringed, woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments. That’s loud. Wanting to play the harp. To play the violin takes many years of practice. Performers playing electronic instruments such as synthesizers or electric guitars. Achieved popularity in the 1970s and 1980s. After you finish reading, I will practice the cello.
Run-on—with no punctuation (fused sentence) I use our library often the reference section is my favorite part. Corrected Sentence: I use our library often; the reference section is my favorite part. I use our library often, and the reference section is my favorite part. Run-on—with only a comma (comma splice) The keyboard makes sound when the keys are depressed, the harpsichord, piano, and organ are keyboard instruments. The keyboard makes sound when the keys are depressed; the harpsichord, piano, and organ are keyboard instruments. The keyboard makes sound when the keys are depressed, and the harpsichord, piano, and organ are keyboard instruments. Sentences and Run-ons A run-on is two or more complete sentences that are not properly joined or separated.
Sentence or Run-on? Percussion instruments produce sound when struck or shaken, some examples are drums, rattles, and bells. The marimba is a percussion instrument with wooden bars arranged like the keys on a piano, mallets are used to strike the bars and produce sound. If you are near a beach, you can collect driftwood to make your own marimba. Gather several pieces of driftwood test each one for sound quality by striking it in the center. To make the marimba, place the driftwood pieces in order by tone and attach the pieces side by side over two long support pieces.
Correcting Run-ons with Endmarks Though he began losing his hearing early in his career, the composer Ludwig van Beethoven continued to write music he completed some of his most famous works after he was totally deaf. Corrected: Though he began losing his hearing early in his career, the composer Ludwig van Beethoven continued to write music. He completed some of his most famous works after he was totally deaf. Have you heard of the kettle drum, I thought kettles were for the kitchen. Have you heard of the kettle drum? I thought kettles were for the kitchen. Correcting Run-ons with Endmarks Split the run-on into two shorter but complete sentences.
Correcting Run-ons with Commas and Coordinating Conjunctions My mother and father practice the viola with the Cleveland Orchestra on Saturday, I stay home to practice the violin. Corrected: My mother and father practice the viola with the Cleveland Orchestra on Saturday, and I stay home to practice the violin. I want to go to the movies with my friends, I don’t have any money. I want to go to the movies with my friends, but I don’t have any money. Use a comma and coordinating conjunction to combine two sentences into a compound sentence. Coordinating Conjunctions: FANBOYS- FOR, AND, NOR, BUT, OR, YET, SO
Correcting Run-ons with Semicolons The first performance begins at 6:30, the second show doesn’t start until 9:15. Corrected: The first performance begins at 6:30; the second show doesn’t start until 9:15. The oboist sounded an A, the rest of the orchestra tuned their instruments to that note. The oboist sounded an A; the rest of the orchestra tuned their instruments to that note. Correcting Run-ons with Semicolons Use a semicolon to combine two sentences into a compound sentence. Semicolons should be used only when the ideas in both parts of the sentence are closely related.
Correcting Run-ons Play the maracas, they are easier than most instruments. Maracas are rattles with a round or oval shape, centuries ago they were made from hollow gourds filled with seeds. The maracas are a common instrument in Latin American bands, they are used to add Caribbean flavor to the music. Would you know which ancient instrument was found in Peru, would you be able to play it? Although the kena is now made of cane, in ancient times it was made from human or animal bones, clay, or hollowed-out gourds, some were even made of silver or gold. Don’t try to use the barimbau as a bow to play the violin, it is intended to be played as an instrument on its own. A stick that taps the string produces the sound, a small wicker basket rattle, known as the caxixi, keeps the rhythm.