Welcome to Back to School Night! Mrs. Bernal 2017- 2018
About the teacher… This is my 12th year teaching! I have taught 5th grade and 1st grade. I graduated from California Baptist University with my Bachelor’s degree and teaching credential. I earned my Master’s in Education through Lesley University. I am the Instructional Technology Leader for Cole Canyon.
5th Grade Rules Essential Agreement (rules) will be agreed upon through a class meeting Please email me with any questions or concerns as soon as they arise. We should work as a team
Communication General Information/Forms posted on website Announcements, volunteer sign-ups, and class photos will be posted on Classroom Facebook Page (Tracy Bernal’s Class) Jupiter Grades - You will be notified of behavior and missing assignments on a daily basis
HOmework Daily Homework should not exceed 60 minutes Students should read a minimum of 30 minutes each night. Non-routine homework will be posted online for students Late work will be accepted for only one week after the due date Some homework assignments will require internet access
Class Incentives/consequences Positive behavior is encouraged and rewarded! All Star Days Students earn 5 points per day Points are deducted due to behavior, missing assignments, and/or not being prepared At end of 9 week period, the points convert to a percentage
Report card and Grades We have 2 grade reporting periods and 2 progress reports Parent/Teacher Conferences will be the week of October 23rd Graded assignments will be sent home with students or will be in the student’s digital binder Late work will be accepted for only 1 week
IB- PYP Transdisciplinary Themes The International Baccalaureate® (IB) Primary Years Program (PYP) is for students aged 3-12 The PYP prepares students to become active, caring, lifelong learners who demonstrate respect for themselves and others and have the capacity to participate in the world around them. It focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both within and beyond the classroom
Curriculum New Language Arts Program called Benchmark Reading Counts Point Goals – Individualized Goals for Students Universal Access Hour Go Math Think Central Weekly Math Review – 10 Questions
HIGH TRAILS Science Camp September 26th-29th Cost is $250.00 – Checks will only be accepted until August 25th. After that, it is CASH only. Snakes, Astronomy, Archery, Rock Climbing, Dancing, Hiking, Survival Skills and more! Students not attending camp, will participate in science activities at school with a substitute teacher. ****WE NEED A LARGE TRAILER TO AND FROM CAMP FOR LUGGAGE****
Band Pull out program lead by Mr. Green Each instrument has a different schedule Students will miss class and work will need to be made up Full band during PE for less out-of-class time
Special 5th gRADE Events Science Camp Little Buddies Shop Till You Drop Turkey Trot Fitness Testing Gingerbread Houses 100th Day of School Field of Honor DARE Colonial Day 5th Grade Exhibition Field Day Bowling Finale
Volunteers Volunteers are needed and appreciated! Meet the Masters Docent Room Parent Picture Parent Reading Counts Parent Working with students Clerical help throughout the week
I look forward to an amazing year! Thank You For Coming! I look forward to an amazing year!