Warm-Up (3/1) Name Date Period The energy contained within a single organism can be measured in joules (J) using a calorimeter. Producers, such as grass, typically contain about ten times more energy per kilogram per square meter (J/kg/m2) than consumers which each producers. Describe how energy is transferred from producers to consumers, and explain how the energy harvested from the sun in producers is lost as it transfers to consumers. Hint: think back to uncoupled exergonic/endergonic reactions. (LO 4.15)
2D.4a: Plants, invertebrates and vertebrates have multiple, nonspecific immune responses. Illustrative example: Plant defenses against pathogens include molecular recognition systems with systemic responses; infection triggers chemical responses that destroy infected and adjacent cells, thus localizing the effects. 4A.5a: The structure of a community is measured and described in terms of species composition and species diversity. 4B.3a: Interactions between populations affect the distributions and abundance of populations. 4B.3a.1: Competition, parasitism, predation, mutualism and commensalism can affect population dynamics. 4B.3a.2: Relationships among interacting populations can be characterized by positive and negative effects, and can be modeled mathematically (predator/prey, epidemiological models, invasive species). 4B.3a.3: Many complex symbiotic relationships exist in an ecosystem, and feedback control systems play a role in the functioning of these ecosystems. 4B.3b: A population of organisms has properties that are different from those of the individuals that make up the population. The cooperation and competition between individuals contributes to these different properties. 4A.6c: Organisms within food webs and food chains interact. 4A.6d: Food webs and food chains are dependent on primary productivity.
Population Interactions, Part II The characteristics of a population are the sum total of all individual interactions within the population. Sacrifices herself to protect young prefers to eat small game small and fast compete with each other for moose
Population Interactions, Part II The characteristics of a population are the sum total of all individual interactions within the population.
Population Interactions, Part II The characteristics of a population are the sum total of all individual interactions within the population. Interactions of populations often involve multiple levels and can be negative or positive.
Population Interactions, Part II The characteristics of a population are the sum total of all individual interactions within the population. Interactions of populations often involve multiple levels and can be negative or positive. PRODUCER All ecosystems depend on primary productivity – how much energy the producers can generate. PRODUCER
Population Interactions, Part II A community is the sum of all interactions of all populations of an ecosystem. Interactions of populations often involve multiple levels and can be negative or positive. PRODUCER All ecosystems depend on primary productivity – how much energy the producers can generate. PRODUCER
Critical Thinking Question #1 Based on the description of the native bullfrog and non- native tree fungus populations in Monday’s CTQ’s, explain which kind of data would need to be further collected to prove that the bullfrog and the tree fungus have a commensalistic relationship. (LO 4.11) (LO 4.19)
2D.4a: Plants, invertebrates and vertebrates have multiple, nonspecific immune responses. Illustrative example: Plant defenses against pathogens include molecular recognition systems with systemic responses; infection triggers chemical responses that destroy infected and adjacent cells, thus localizing the effects. 4A.5a: The structure of a community is measured and described in terms of species composition and species diversity. 4B.3a: Interactions between populations affect the distributions and abundance of populations. 4B.3a.1: Competition, parasitism, predation, mutualism and commensalism can affect population dynamics. 4B.3a.2: Relationships among interacting populations can be characterized by positive and negative effects, and can be modeled mathematically (predator/prey, epidemiological models, invasive species). 4B.3a.3: Many complex symbiotic relationships exist in an ecosystem, and feedback control systems play a role in the functioning of these ecosystems. 4B.3b: A population of organisms has properties that are different from those of the individuals that make up the population. The cooperation and competition between individuals contributes to these different properties. 4A.6c: Organisms within food webs and food chains interact. 4A.6d: Food webs and food chains are dependent on primary productivity.
Population Interactions, Part II “Die, bacteria with foreign antigens, die!” Specific Immune Response nucleus antibody receptor poison genes Death proteins released
Population Interactions, Part II Nonspecific immune defense: kill anything foreign, no antigen needed.
Population Interactions, Part II Nonspecific immune defense: kill anything foreign, no antigen needed. Plants use chemicals to ward off predators. That’s the smell of hard work and dedication.
Population Interactions, Part II Nonspecific immune defense: kill anything foreign, no antigen needed. Plants use chemicals to ward off predators. Infection site Plant cells perform apoptosis when infected by pathogens.
Critical Thinking Question #2 Create a representation illustrating the differences between nonspecific and specific immune responses, and indicate the receptor (or lack thereof) in each response. (LO 2.29) (LO 3.30) (LO 2.43)
Closure On the piece of white paper from the back, answer the following question: Name Date Period Explain the difference between a predation relationship and a parasitic relationship. Scale 1 – 10