Evolution and Ecology Ulf Dieckmann Program Director
Theme 1: Fisheries Overarching Objective Contribute to the sustainable management of aquatic living resources through increasingly realistic modeling of the associated socio-ecological systems Illustrative Targets Accounting for stock structure and life-history complexity, Fisheries-induced evolution, Socio-economic repercussions
Theme 2: Biodiversity Overarching Objective Better understand the complex dynamics of biodiversity formation, maintenance, and loss across a broad range of ecosystems Illustrative Targets Drivers and pathways of speciation, Evolutionary vegetation dynamics, Evolutionary community assembly, Disease dynamics
Theme 3: Governance Overarching Objective Design governance mechanisms that promote cooperation, reduce conflict, and eschew the tragedy of the commons in groups of human or institutional agents Illustrative Targets Reputation-based cooperation, Design of sanctioning systems, Institutional emergence
Theme 4: Systemic Risk Overarching Objective Develop new approaches to measure, model, and manage systemic risk across different domains Illustrative Targets Dynamics of species loss, Mitigating boom-bust cycles in economic systems, Mitigating systemic risk in supply chains and trade networks, Design of early-warning systems
For More Information… Fisheries Case-study presentation: Evolution and game theory Governance Marketplace poster: Behavioral experiments reveal how risk perception and worldviews impact common-good governance Systemic risk Four marketplace posters: Mitigating the volatility of economic cycles Mitigating systemic risk emerging from supply-chain fragmentation Inclination analysis yields early-warning signals of economic recessions Vulnerability to shocks in the global seafood-trade network