Parent Portal? Naviance? What’s that? Using Internet Resources to Monitor your child’s progress Parent University 2016 Presented by Melissa Argaman School Counselor New Hyde Park Memorial HS
Things to Keep in Mind When Registering You must enter the PARENT information when prompted to “Enter Personal Information” Your address must match what we have in our system You need your child’s ID number to register It take 24 hours to activate your account!
Parent Portal Main Page
Gradebook List of classes Specific Assignments
Progress Reports Report cards were not available at time of print, but a tab will be available up top when report cards are released on 11/18/16.
Naviance Family Connections Overview Naviance’s Family Connection is a comprehensive tool created to assist students and parents with the following: Career Planning Self Exploration College Planning College application process
College Planning How can Family Connection help me find a college? My Game Plan College Search Feature Electronic Tracking Scattergrams Resources
When you click on “about me” this screen will appear When you click on “about me” this screen will appear. From here, you can take a personality test, explore your learning styles and create a resume.
My Resume
Click on “colleges” to research and explore thousands of schools on the Naviance database, compare yourself to other applicants and keep track of colleges that interest you.
College Search
My Colleges
Compare Me
College Profile
How Do I Access Naviance? Each school has their own link which you can find on the school website Once you access this link, you will need to register OR if you are a returning visitor you can sign in using your e-mail & password. First time users will need to register using a code assigned to students and parents. Most students have already created accounts. Contact your child’s counselor if you are not sure!
Log in to Naviance at the website for your school ELMONT: FLORAL PARK: Http:// CAREY: NHP: SEWANHAKA: