Building an Effective team SUNA Board development August 2017
Why this topic and why now?
What is it We hope to achieve? Overall / vision / mission / Strategic Plan Build from there and always revisit this every call and meeting These should guide us and direct everything we do for SUNA and our local chapters What is our vision? What is our mission?
How do we get there? Being an effective team!
What is a team? Label often used interchangeably with 'group' The difference very largely lies in the direction of action A group can exist and yet not achieve much A team, on the other hand, is ACTION ORIENTATED It has a clear purpose it is a purpose which is shared by its members What do you hope to do? Why are you a board and team?
features of an effective team Members share a high level of commitment to achieving the common objective A high level of satisfaction is experienced from being part of, and working with, the team Members work well together in a cohesive way with an awareness and appreciation of each others' strengths Show a high capability for solving its own problems and producing high quality results
These Qualities are: Identifiable Quite specific Measurable Although any group can possess any or all these characteristics, an effective team must display them all.
What conditions make a team effective? Clear Objectives Appropriate Leadership Suitable membership Commitment to the team A supportive team climate Getting things done Learning New members Success
Clear Objectives: The overall objective needs to be identified and defined in terms which allow each member to understand A clear picture of what the organization expects from the team is communicated Encourage questions helps reveal any doubts, misunderstandings or resistances
Appropriate Leadership: Leadership is a shared function based on the need of the task requires flexibility – allowing others to take the lead if they possess the needed skills develop new leaders with mentorship when they take on a task Time is allocated to develop the team (vitally important)
Suitable membership: Members must display a range of skills, knowledge and experience The right 'mix' of member skills Fill in each others “holes” Members are valued for what they can contribute Emphasis is on strengths and positives, not negatives
Commitment to the team: Team members experience real strength from their membership in the organization and chapter Willing to invest considerable energy in the interests of the team, chapter and SUNA organization Membership is highly valued feeling part of the experience of simply being with a group of people who get on well together and enjoy each others' company
A supportive team climate: Participation and personal responsibility is encouraged and valued Members are trusted to contribute in a mature fashion Responsibility is widely shared throughout the team Members are encouraged to contribute ideas, take risks and question the team to grow The only condition is that the members' behavior is in the best interest of the team and organization
Getting things done: Time and effort need to be invested to developing working techniques, methods, procedures and ground rules to move the team toward its goal The successful team not only knows where it is going, it knows when it has arrived! Performance targets and milestones are set and ways in which the team's movement toward achieving the targets can be measured A mission statement, chapter vision and strategic plan help to guide
Learning: Learn from experiences (past and present) Problems and mistakes are analyzed for what they can contribute
New members: New team members are quickly integrated into the team Every effort is made to help the new member integrate into the team quickly Identify their strengths and what they can contribute
Success: The effectiveness of a team (and chapter) grows (as does the SUNA organization)
References Bilal, Malik (published 10/14/14). Build an Effective Team to Achieve Your Goals and Objectives. objectives Scudamore (published 3/9/16). Why Team Building is the Most Important Investment You’ll Make investment-youll-make/#381795d0617f McNamara, Carter. Nowicki Hnatiuk, Cynthia. (2009) Mentoring the Stars: A Program for Volunteer Board Leaders. 2nd edition. A.J. Janetti: New Jersey.