CH-3 Team Building and Teamwork V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly
V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly What is a Team? or goal. Together EveryoneAny group of people organized to work together or interdependently in order to cooperatively meet the needs of their Everyone Accomplishes More A group of people with a common, collective goal. Rachel Book definition: A group of people with a common, collective goal. Everyone in the team must be aware of the goal and must work with other members of the team to achieve that goal. V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly
V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly
V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly Need for a Team Why do companies use teams? Satisfies the human social need to belong Two heads are better than one The whole can be greater than the sum of its parts Team members build trust and want to help each other Promotes better communication Multiplies the potential of individual members Produces positive peer pressure Rachel Teams are able to outperform individuals. In the context of Total Quality Management, teams are said to facilitate information sharing, problem solving, and to develop employee responsibility for managing quality performance. Team working is also seen to promote communication between employees and management, which in turn facilitates the integration of the organizational quality mission. Promotes communication and cooperation between employees in different areas of the organization, which facilitates problem solving. V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly
Character Traits & Teamwork What are some traits that can contribute to the success of a team? Honesty/integrity Initiative Selflessness Patience Dependability Resourcefulness Enthusiasm Punctuality Responsibility Tolerance/sensitivity Cooperativeness Perseverance Rachel Facilitate Open Questions V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly
V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GROUP AND TEAM V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly
V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly BASIS FOR COMPARISON GROUP TEAM Meaning A collection of individuals who work together in completing a task. A group of persons having collective identity joined together, to accomplish a goal. Leadership Only one leader More than one Members Independent Interdependent V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly
V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly Process Discuss, Decide and Delegate. Discuss, Decide and Do. Work Products Individual Collective Focus on Accomplishing individual goals. Accomplishing team goals. Accountability Individually Either individually or mutually V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly
V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly APPROCH TO TEAM BUILDING V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly
V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly The first type of team building is the Personality-Based Team Building, which also comes in different forms. But the most common of which is the use of a personality questionnaire which will not only teach about the personality of each individual but also about the personality of other members of the team. V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly
V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly
V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly
V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly The second type of team building is the Activity-Based Team Building which comprises a fulfillment of perplexing tasks, most often in an outdoor set up, such as mountain climbing, trekking and a lot more. Teamwork from all members of the team is required in these activities, for them to succeed with the challenges. Also, the success and the lessons that they have seen and achieved in the course of those activities can be brought into the office thus creating new relationships between the team members. V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly
V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly
V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly
V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly Third type of team building is Skills-Based Team Building Skills which engages team members in a workshop developing certain skills, such as the positive reception to criticism, dealing with conflict, effective team meetings and more. With the development of these skills during the activities and workshops, it is possible to create a more effective team if the skills acquired are applied in the workplace. V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly
V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly
V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly The fourth type of team building is the Problem Solving-Based Team Building which is frequently executed at an outside event but can also be applied to an indoor challenge. This type of team building is aimed at helping the team unravel and solve certain problems given by an outside facilitator. The members of the group will then work together to identify the challenges and possible solutions while trying to work as excellently as possible in solving the problem. V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly
V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly
V.S.KharoteChavan,E&Tc,PC poly