Takeover Challenge & Our Lives Ollie Berman Director of Communications and External Events
Who are we? Post recommended by the Victoria Climbié Inquiry in 2000 and promoted in UN guidance Established under the 2004 Children Act and strengthened through the Children and Families Act 2014 Primary duty to promote and protect children’s rights in England including representing their views and interests Responsibility for wider groups of children on non-devolved issues Special responsibility for children in or leaving care, living away from home or receiving social care services Supported by a small team of experts
What is the Children’s Commissioner’s Takeover Challenge? The Takeover Challenge is a fun and hugely successful mass children’s engagement project The Takeover Challenge is about organisations opening their doors to children and young people and involving them in ‘adult’ decision-making roles The Takeover Challenge puts children and young people into decision-making positions and encourages organisations and businesses to hear their views
Why Takeover? UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Every child has the right to say what they think in all matters affecting them, and to have their views taken seriously
Why Takeover? Children and young people - Fun - Learn about the adult world - Build confidence and self-esteem - Learn - new skills and experiences Adults and organisations - Fun - Fresh perspective - Better decision-making and fewer mistakes
Why Takeover? "It's usually adults who are asked for their views, so I thought it was good that young people were asked what we thought about things. We are the next generation, so I think it's important." Megan Sutcliffe, aged 16, Bolton Council Takeover “On Takeover day we’ll be throwing open the doors to the BBC so that some of the youngest members of our audience can see what we do. Hopefully we can even inspire them to do it for real one day.” Tony Hall, Director-General of the BBC
Who takes part? 45,000 children and young people and 1200 + organisations Any child or young person and almost any organisation can take part Politicians, councillors Businesses Schools Emergency services Local authorities Charities Museums Arts organisations Religious organisations
Takeover 2016 Our focus is on disadvantage and extending Takeovers The Children’s Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe + every London borough police commander 80 local authorities 17 Government Ministers – 100 Government Takeovers Manchester City Football Club Sky News Channel Four News Central London Musical The BBC - Blue Peter, Good Morning Britain, CBBC and the Director General British Red Cross Teenager Cancer Trust NSPCC Arts Council Hundreds of schools
What can libraries do? Involve young people in: Planning and delivering events and activities Choosing books and resources Making the space appealing and welcoming Developing resources and promoting the library across the school Takeover digital resources and channels Organise a Dragons Den style Takeover challenge Make a film about how to use the library Publicise the event across the school - champion others to take part
What next? Resources online: Information pack Tips on promoting the challenge Posters Flyers Logos Certificates Placard Photo consent form Planning guidance Action Plan www.childrenscommissioner.gov.uk/takeover-challenge
Our Lives How is childhood today different from that of 20 years’ ago? Snapshot in time of childhood in 2016 as told by children, aged 5-12, themselves Searchable library of children’s responses to 10 key questions about their lives Watch the Our Lives film and find out more at www.live.firstnews.co.uk/ourlives