The United Kingdom and The Republic of Ireland
To locate and name counties in the British isles with their capitals. I can identify countries that are part of the U.K. I can locate the U.K on a map. I can identify some cities in the U.K.
To locate and name counties in the British isles with their capitals.
To locate and name counties in the British isles with their capitals. Where we are Britain and Ireland UAE We live on a different continent, called Asia. Britain is very far away from us. The U.K is part of the continent of Europe.
To locate and name counties in the British isles with their capitals. . The United Kingdom is made up of 4 countries – Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
To locate and name counties in the British isles with their capitals. The Republic of Ireland used to be part of the UK but is now an independent country in Europe.
The capital city of Ireland is Dublin. LO: To locate and name counties in the British isles with their capitals. The capital city of Ireland is Dublin.
The capital city of Northern Ireland is Belfast.
The capital city of Scotland is Edinburgh.
The capital city of Wales is Cardiff.
The capital city of England is London. London is also the capital of the United Kingdom.
This is the flag of the United Kingdom.
This is the flag of Ireland.
Edinburgh Belfast Cardiff London
Can you fill it in?
Lesson 2
LO: To name and locate major British cities on a map of the UK
Can we remember the names and locations of each country in the U.K?
How did you do? Edinburgh Belfast Cardiff London
Now we are going to look at some big cities in the U.K..
Glasgow Glasgow is in Scotland.
Newcastle is in England.
Manchester Manchester is in England and has a famous football team called Manchester United. Have you heard of them?
Birmingham Birmingham is in England. It is famous for being the home of Cabury’s Chocolate.