Information about rules and regulations Exams at UiT Information about rules and regulations
The rules and regulations It is the duty of all students to acquaint themselves with the university rules and regulations, including exam regulations Know your rights as a student!
Where to find the rules and regulations you need to know:
Exam categories: Written school exams Written home exams Oral exams
Responsible for the different category exams: Written school exams: Department of Academic Affairs Questions should be directed to the Examination Office/Examination Registrar in the Adm. Building, 3rd Floor Oral exams and written home exams: Individual faculties Questions should be directed to your faculty coordinator/student adviser
Dates and places Written school exams Preliminary dates in the course catalogue Official dates on the University Web Pages: spring semester: ~ 1 May autumn semester: ~ 1 November Location for all written school exams: At Åsgårdveien 9 On campus
be considered cheating! WRITTEN SCHOOL EXAMS What to bring and not to bring into the examination room: Need to bring: Your student card or other identification (to get a candidate number) Must not bring: Bags, coats, pagers or cell phones! Bringing cell phones into the examination room will be considered cheating!
Examination supports Chemical or mathematical tables, calculators, etc. Specified by lecturer before the exam and listed on the examination assignment Special books or publications Must be approved in advance. Contact the staff at your faculty. Dictionaries Must be approved in advance. Contact your international coordinator/student adviser, who will give you the form ”Permission to Use Dictionary During Exam” Bring the approved form and your dictionary to the exam If no examination supports are specified - none are allowed!
Withdrawal from exams Quarantine time of one hour Sign a ”Withdrawal from examination” form (This also applies if the reason for withdrawal is illness) If you fail an exam there may or may not be an opportunity to take a re-sit-exam Individual faculties decide whether or not there will be a re-sit exam Consult student adviser at the faculty
Illness during exams Written school exams: Must submit a medical certificate within 48 hours of the exam in question to the Examination Office/ Examination Registrar Home exams/oral exams: Must submit a medical certificate to the faculty’s examination coordinator/your student adviser within 48 hours after the final deadline for submission of the exam NB! If you have several exams, the deadline for handing in your medical certificate is 48 hours after your first exam!
Postponed examination If you have handed in your medical certificate within 48 hours of your exam, you are entitled to a Information about the procedures for registering for postponed exams will be given when you hand in your medical certificate Postponed exams are offered at the beginning of the following semester Special arrangements must be made for one-semester students Deadlines for registering for postponed exams: Autumn semester: 15 August Spring semester: 15 January Postponed examination
Special adaptations Students with chronic ailments, such as: Specific literary problems Severe asthma or allergies Tenosynovitis/problems writing by hand Or students with: Norwegian as a foreign language (Exchange students) may apply in writing for special adaptations during examinations. Written school exams: Examination registrar Home exams/oral exams: Faculty
Where to find further information? Examination regulations ”Implementation of examinations” Personal guidance at the Examination Office/Examination Registrar Department of Academic Affairs. Administration Building, 3rd Floor.