MGR Case Presentation 신장 내과.


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Case Conference Department of nephrology R2 우용식 유 O 형 (M/69) adm: C. C. : headache, fever o/s- 4 주전 P. I. :  M/69, 9 월초 headache,
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Echo-Conference R2 조경민. History 박 O 화 (F/31) Chief Complaint Chief Complaint Fever.chilling & Chest discomfort O/S) 10 days ago Fever.chilling.
Case I. Chief complain : dyspnea o/s) 2 days ago Present illness : a 67 years old man with hypertension, MVP and atrial fibrillation had taken medicine.
Chief complaint Yellowish skin color change Present Illness M/50, 특이병력 없는 자로 매일 소주 2~3 병씩 마셔오다가 2011 년 6 월 21 일 부터 시작된 Yellowish skin color change, Itching.
Case II. Chief complain : RUQ pain o/s) 2 days ago Present illness : a 45 years old woman with hypertension and ASD had taken medicine at local clinic.
MGR Cough를 주소로 내원한 젊은 여자 2례 호흡기 내과 R1 정수웅/Prof. 박명재.
Medical Grand Round 반복된 Hemoptysis 로 내원한 73 세 남자 환자 Department of Pulmonology R1 황은정 /Prof. 박명재.
MGR Department of Pulmonology Prof. 박명재 /R1 조용덕.
Echo-Conference R2 조경민. History 송 O 규 Chief Complaint Lt.side weakness O/S) Recent onset 3-4 days ago Present illness A 75 year old woman had.
소화기 내과 R2 박정은 M G R 한 0 협 (M/11) adm) Chief complaint known abnormal LFT Present illness 11 세 남자환자로 1 년 전 학교에서 시행한 혈액검사에서 AST/ALT 227/283.
R3 이정훈 Echo Conference. History 임 O 수 (M/45) adm. Via OPD Chief Complaint dyspnea of exertion o/s) 1yr ago dyspnea of exertion o/s)
Case ( ) TACE 시술 후 발생한 Acute Renal Failure 소화기내과 R2 진상욱.
감염내과 R2. 김진숙 / Prof. 문수연 복통을 주소로 내원한 Tb lymphadenitis 2 례.
M.G.R 혈액종양내과 R2 윤현아 /prof. 백선경 Neck mass 를 주소로 온 환자.
Angio Conference 김 O 동 (M/50) Admission: Chief complaint - Chest Pain (recent o/s: 내원 2 주전, remote o/s: 내원 1 년전 ) squeezing type Ant.
GS – GI – RAD - PATH Conference
복부 통증을 주소로 내원한 40 세 남자 소화기내과 R 1 오치혁 / Prof. 동석호 MGR.
Case Conference 신장내과 R2 최소영 조 O 순 (F/71) adm : C.C) Evaluation of proteinuria P.I ) 10 년전 DM, HTN 진단 투약중인 자로 발생한 Left side weakness.
GI-GS-RAD.-PATH. conference
MGR Case presentation 소화기내과 R2 이설라.
Problem Case 호흡기 내과 R2 오원택.
Case presentation 경희의료원 내과 R2 조창현.
Case conference 감염내과 R2 문수연.
Impression Initial plan
Case Presentation R2 이은정.
Presentation transcript:

MGR Case Presentation 신장 내과

Admission Note Chief Complaint Fever with myalgia o/s 내원 2주전 12005077 송 O 석 (M/29) Adm via OPD 2008.10.01 Chief Complaint Fever with myalgia o/s 내원 2주전 Present Illness 평소 특이 병력 없는 29세 남자로 내원 2주전부터 열감과 근육통 있어 감기로 생각하고 지내다, 1주 전부터 피로감 심해지고, 입맛 이 없어 지는 증상 있어 근처 내과 내원하여 실시한 검사상 간수치 와 신장 수치 증가 소견 보여 정밀 검사 위해 내원. .

Admission Note Past medical history DM/HTN/TB/Hepatitis(-/-/-/-) Op. history (-)‏ Drug history (+), herbal medication history (-)‏ Travel history (-), Food history (-), Allergy history (-)‏ Family history No family history of kidney disease No family history of liver disease Personal history Occupation : 창고 및 물류 관리직 Married male Smoking(+)‏ : 10 pack-years Alcohol(+) : 소주 1병/회, 주 1회

Review of System G/A fatigue (+) weight loss (+) 7-8kg Febrile sensation (+)(-) chilling (+)  (-) sweating (-) Skin pigmentation(-) itching sense(-) H & N headache (-) neck stiffness (-) Eye/ENT visual disturbance (-) diplopia (-) hearing loss(-) nasal obstruction (-) rhinorrhea(-) sore throat(-) hoarseness(-)‏ Respiratory cough (-) sputum (-) dyspnea(-) pleuritic chest pain(-) hemoptysis(-)‏ Cardiovascular angina (-) palpitation (-) orthopnea(-) dyspnea on exertion(-)‏ 4

Review of System G-I Anorexia(+) Nausea(-) Vomiting(-) Constipation(-) Diarrhea(-) Hematemesis(-)‏ Hematochezia(-)‏ Melena(-) Abd .pain(+)  (-) : RUQ area, continuous Renal &Urinary dysuria(-) hematuria(-) urgency(-) nocturia (-) incontinence (-) hesitancy(-) oliguria(+) : 종이컵 한컵 분량 , 하루 3~4회 Musculoskeletal myalgia (+) numbness(-)‏ joint swelling(-)‏ joint pain (-) 5

Physical Examination Vital sign) 110/70mmHg – 64/min – 18/min - 36.0 ’C Height/Body weight : 170cm/76.9kg (BMI 26.6kg/m2) General appearance Alert mentality Acute ill looking appearance Skin Rash (-) Pigmentation (-) Jaundice(+)‏ eschar (-) Head and Neck Normocephaly LN enlargement(-/-)‏ Neck vein engorgement(-/-)‏ Thyroid enlargement(-)‏ Eyes and ENT Isocoric pupil with PLR(++/++)‏ EOM : full Pinkish conjunctiva, Icteric sclera PTH/PI (-/-)‏

Physical Examination Chest Symmetric expansion Clear breathing sounds without rale Regular heart beats without murmur Abdomen Soft and Flat abdomen Abdominal Tenderness/rebound tenderness(-/-) Hepatomegaly(-) Normoactive bowel sound Back and extremities CVA tenderness(-/-)‏ Pretibial pitting edema(-/-)‏

Initial lab findings CBC/DC (09/30 외부검사) 10770/mm² - 15.8 g/dl – 43.7% - 146K (seg : 38.1%, lympho : 44.8%) aPTT 35.8 sec PT(INR) 19.3(2.41) CBC/DC (10/01 adm) 16330/mm² - 16.1 g/dl – 44.3% - 131K (seg : 27.1%, lympho : 40%) aPTT 48.8 sec PT(INR) 16.9(1.42)

Initial lab findings Chemistry (09/30 외부검사) TB 4.9 mg/dL BUN/Cr 49.1/6.5 mg/dL (eGFR 10.8 ml/min/1.73m2) AST/ALT 3350/4802 U/L Ca/P 7.8/5.3 mg/dL ALP/r-GT 435/337 U/L LD 3340 mg/dL Pro/alb 5.9/3.7 g/dL Chemistry (10/01 adm) TB/DB 5.89/4.96 mg/dL BUN/Cr 57/8.9 mg/dL(eGFR 7.5 ml/min/1.73m2) AST/ALT 2236/4171 U/L Na/K/Cl 126/3.3/87 mmol/L ALP/r-GT 138/347 U/L Ca/P/Mg 7.8/3.2/2.7 mg/dL Pro/alb 6.4/3.5 g/dL Uric acid 16.5 mg/dL LD/CK 1748/96 mg/dL CRP 1.4 mg/dL ABGA 7.37 – 37.6 – 89.6 – 21.5 – 96.7%

Initial lab findings Urinalysis Occult blood +(10) Bilirubin +(0.5) Urobilinogen +-(0.1) Protein ++(100) pH 5.0 SG 1.012 Urine microscopy Micro RBC 10-29 Micro WBC 2-4 Spot urine Protein/Cr 1670 mg/g Na 24 mmol/dL (FeNa 1.57) Urea 128 mg/dL (FeBUN 46.59) 10

Initial lab findings EKG

Initial lab findings Chest PA 12

Initial problem lists Fever Jaundice Oliguria 13 환자 입원당일 첫 소변 500ml, 24hrs 500ml 로 RIFLE criteria 에 따라 시간당 kg 당 0.3 ml 이하로 Acute kideney injury 에 있어 oliguria 소견에 합당하고, 혈중 creatinine 8.9 mg/dL로 cock-gault Nonoliguria urine output >400ml/24hrs Oliguria = 100~400ml/24hrs Anuria , urineoutput <100ml/24hrs Azotemina A reduced GFR leads to retention of nitrogenous waste products (azotemia) such as urea and creatinine. retention of nitrogenous waste products (azotemia) 13

Initial assessment #1. Acute hepatitis with ARF R/O Viral hepatitis R/O Toxic hepatitis R/O Autoimmune hepatitis #2. Other infectious cause R/O Leptospirosis R/O Hantaan virus infection R/O R. tsutsugamushi, R/O R. typhi. #3. Acute cholangitis with ARF #4. R/O hepatorenal syndrome, underlying LC

Diagnostic plans #1. Acute hepatitis with ARF R/O Viral hepatitis Abd.US, If needed, Abd.CT Laboratory testings R/O Viral hepatitis Anti-HAV IgM, HBsAg and anti-HBc IgM, Anti-HCV If needed, Anti CMV IgM, EBV viral markers R/O Autoimmune hepatitis IgG/A/M/E, SMA, ANA ,anti-LKM1 etc. #2. Other infectious cause R/O Leptospirosis R/O Hantaan virus infection R/O R. tsutsugamushi. , R. typhi,. Leptospiral Ab, Hantaan viral Ab, Rickettsial Ab R/O Viral hepatitis R/O Toxic hepatitis R/O Autoimmune hepatitis

Diagnostic plans #3. Acute cholangitis with ARF Fever study, inculding blood culture Abd.US , if needed abd.CT #4. R/O Hepatorenal syndrome, underlying LC Alcohol history, medication history recheck Abd.US If needed, Abd CT Viral marker for r/o chronic viral hepatitis

Abdominal US

Additional lab findings Viral marker anti-HAV IgM Positive (15.14) HBs Ag Negative anti-HBs Ab Positive (51.32) anti-HBc IgM anti-HCV Ab

Additional lab findings Immunologic marker RPR Negative IgG 1460 mg/dL IgA 226mg/dL IgM 580 mg/dL IgE 139 mg/dL C-ANCA P-ANCA negative ANA Non reactive

Evaluaion of Azotemia Urinalysis (HD#1) Occult blood +(10) Bilirubin +(0.5) Urobilinogen +-(0.1) Protein ++(100) pH 5.0 SG 1.012 Urinalysis (HD#2) Occult blood +-(5) Bilirubin - Urobilinogen +-(0.1) Protein pH 5.5 SG 1.012 Urine microscopy Micro RBC 10-29 Micro WBC 2-4 Urine microscopy Micro RBC 0-1 Micro WBC 20

Evaluaion of Azotemia Spot urine HD #1 HD #2 Protein/Cr 1673 mg/g Na (FeNa 1.57) (FeNa 5.19) Urea (FeBUN 46.59) BUN/Pcr Ratio 6.4:1 Urine sodium 24 meq/L Urine osmolarity 168 mOsm/L FeNa 1.57 Urine/plasma creatinine (Ucr/Pcr) 11.67

Evaluaion of Azotemia

Diagnosis Acute renal failure Acute tubular necrosis --- associated with acute hepatitis A Bile salt가 renal tubular cell에 uptake되며 이에 의한 renal tubular damage의 결과로 acute hepatitis와 함께 그 sequelae로 acute renal failure가 온 것으로 생각해 볼 수 있겠습니다.

Therapeutic Plan Acute hepatitis A Hepatotonics Symptomatic care Nausea control, glucose supply Acute renal failure d/t HAV infection Urine output 유지 – diuretics 사용 , E’ F/U If needed Hemodialysis, 24

Clinical course

Clinical course

Clinical course HD HD HD HD HD