PAIU Spring day on the hill Briefing
Parking information Maps of the Capitol Schedule for the day Resources Talking points Legislative visits 101 Questions? Zoom Meeting Agenda Lisa
Hotel & Parking Information Hotel Information Crowne Plaza: 717-234-5021. Rooms are $110 per night with group block code AIU. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the hotel reservations, please contact Michele Clancy at or 717-732-8463. Parking Information There are multiple garages in the area. Rates and addresses are on the PLS site. Walking to the Capitol There is a Capitol Complex map on the PLS site. Day on the Hill Hotel & Parking Information Tom
Schedule April 25 Day on the Hill 7:30 Early Bird arrival for set-up at Hearing Room 3 of the North Office Building of the Capitol. Enter through the Main Rotunda or the East Wing Rotunda through security check points (3rd Street or Commonwealth Ave.) PAIU signage will be outside of the Hearing Room Tina Gibbs and Michele Clancy will assist with registration Pick-up folder with resources, name badge, and list of legislative visits Coffee and Water – No Food Someone will be at bottom of escalator to point you in right direction 8:00 – 8:30 Registration/Networking April 25 Day on the Hill Schedule Lisa
Schedule 8:30-9:00 Presentation to Legislators Day on the Hill 8:30-9:00 Presentation to Legislators TBD welcomes and provides brief overview of IUs (5 min) Power of the Family presentation (15 min) Tom Gluck wraps up, lays groundwork for funding challenges and increases (5 min) Q&A from audience Schedule Lisa
9:00 IU meetings with legislators* (each IU will have its own schedule) Social media throughout the morning use @PAIU or #PAIU in your posts to Facebook or Twitter. Email photos and captions to Mary Curley at 12:00 Meet at Capitol cafeteria for lunch (on your own) to debrief and turn in your Legislator Visit Tracking Sheets 1:30 Departure * *IUs may choose to schedule later additional meetings with staff in the afternoon, although legislators will likely not be able to attend. Day on the Hill Agenda Lisa
Day on the Hill Resources Documents are posted to the PAIU PLS website. Hotel Capitol Parking Capitol Map Legislator Information Resources including Talking Points and Leave Behinds Day on the Hill Resources Website Lisa
Day on the Hill Resources Participant Packets Your IU schedule of meetings A map of the Capitol Cell phone numbers for Jamie Baxter, Tina Villetto, Mary Curley Tom Gluck, and Tina Gibbs Talking points Leave behinds A form to summarize each meeting Day on the Hill Resources Packets
Responses to Other Issues Our three topics include: What is an IU? Early Intervention Pre-K and Head Start Responses to Other Issues You will have talking points and leave behinds on these topics in your packets. All documents are on the PLS site at Day on the Hill Talking Points
Arrive a few minutes early. Meeting Tips Arrive a few minutes early. Let the person at the front desk of the office know who you are and with whom you’re meeting Expect to wait in a small area or in the hallway until the legislator is ready. Be prepared to meet with staff instead of or in addition to the legislator Do not be surprised if you meet in the hallway, especially if you have a big group. Day on the Hill Visits Legislative Visits: What to Expect? Jamie
Organize your thoughts ahead of time with others who are attending Meeting Tips Do your homework! Know their committees, area of representation and any other facts about them that may be useful in the conversation Select a spokesperson Organize your thoughts ahead of time with others who are attending Be specific on who will be saying what Select a note taker/someone responsible for completing the debrief document Day on the Hill Visits Legislative Visits: What to Expect? Jamie
Share your supporting documents. Meeting Tips Introduce yourself and state the purpose of your visit Use the Day on the Hill Talking Points to discuss our priority issues. Be clear, concise and stick to the topic! Share your supporting documents. Day on the Hill Visits Legislative Visits: What to Expect?
Listen carefully and answer questions truthfully. Meeting Tips Listen carefully and answer questions truthfully. If you don’t know the answer, say “I’m not sure, but we will find out and get back to you.” Make a note on your Meeting Review form. Always thank the legislator/staff and be sure you have their contact information. Most meetings will last 15-20 minutes. Follow up, follow up, follow up – including a thank you note. Day on the Hill Visits Legislative Visits: What to Expect?
FAQs Day on the Hill What should I wear to the Fall Day on the Hill? Business attire is appropriate. Comfortable footwear is encouraged. How long are my meetings with legislators? Most meetings have been scheduled for 15-20 minutes. Will I be meeting with my legislator or with a staff person? You may have meetings with legislators and/or staff, both are equally important to your meeting and your message should be the same with both. Day on the Hill FAQs Tom
FAQs What should I do if I have extra time between meetings? Feel free to drop off materials with your legislators office and follow up with them afterwards. Who should I contact if I get lost or have questions? There is contact information in each of your packets. PAIU will have someone stationed in the outer area of the cafeteria throughout the day for assistance as well. Day on the Hill FAQs Tom
Questions? Comments? Day on the Hill