Students with disabilities at college – What Parents Need to Know Cynthia Woiderski Woiderski Training and Consulting, LLC 2016
Agenda for presentation: 10 differences between high school and college Accessing services at college Skills students need to be successful Issues to consider when choosing a college Tips for Parents Todays presentation will include Highlights of 10 differences between high school and college, How to access services at college, Skills students need to be successful, Issues to consider when choosing a college, And tips for Parents.
Ten Ways High School is Different than College… Lets begin with 10 ways high school is different than college.
One… Different laws apply to institutions of post- secondary education Number one, Institutions of post-secondary education are not covered by the same set of laws.
Legal Differences HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE IDEA REHAB ACT of 1973 Section 504 Subpart D ESSA | Every Student Succeeds Act ADA REHAB ACT of 1973 Section 504 Subpart E The IDEA and subpart D of Section 504 do not apply to colleges and universities. This means the IEP or 504 plan generated in high school do not carry over. It is true that Section 504 applies to colleges but it is subpart E, not D, and the requirements are different. And of course the Every Student Succeeds Act does not cover post-secondary institutions.
Entitlement vs. Civil Rights IDEA The LEA is responsible to find, assess and remediate disabling conditions Result in a broader range of services, equipment and specially trained staff 504 and ADA Must provide equal access (leveling the playing field) The responsibility is shifted to the individual Services are aimed at equal opportunity and access to programs With the IDEA, Local Education agencies, or LEAs, are responsible to find, assess and remediate disabling conditions. Children are entitled to a free and appropriate education. The “appropriate” education results in a broader range of services being offered, more equipment being supplied by the LEA and specially trained staff, such as special education teachers to work with students of all abilities. With Civil Rights laws, post-secondary institutions are required to provide equal access to education. The responsibility is shifted to the individual to disclose their disability and the auxiliary aids and services are aimed at equal opportunity and equal access, not completion.
K-12 vs. College School must assess Once diagnosed the students must receive services (entitlement) Parents can receive information about their children Student must disclose Student must provide acceptable current documentation Parents cannot receive information about their children (FERPA) How this plays out is that the LEA has a duty to assess students where as a student must disclose to the university staff. Once diagnosed, the student is entitled to appropriate services. In college, the student has to provide acceptable and current documentation before becoming eligible for services. Parents and can receive information from anyone about their child until he or she turns 18. In post-secondary education, parents cannot receive information because of FERPA, even if they are paying the tuition.
K-12 vs. College (2) Parents can initiate communication with teachers Students may receive assistance with technology Students must initiate communication with instructors Students must know how to use technology Parents can initiate contact with their child’s teachers in K-12 but in college, the student must initiate the communication, especially with the instructors, but this applies to all departments. In high school, students may or may not receive assistance with technology. In post-secondary education, students are expected to know how to use technology.
Different Goals Two… Number two, There are different goals for high schools and colleges.
Success Access Goals: K-12 College What does this mean? Weather we like to admit it or not, the laws dictate our goals. The goal for K-12 is success. How do you measure that a student has been successful in High School? Graduation! With disability service offices, the goal is equal access. Of course, everyone wants students to be successful and graduate from college, it is just not what the law mandates.
Three… Different Accommodations (also know as Auxiliary Aids and Services) Number three, Different Accommodations are available.
What is a Reasonable Accommodation? Effective: producing the intended or expected effect reasonable vs. preferred Institutions of post-secondary education will provide reasonable accommodations. But what is reasonable? It basically means effective. What will produce the intended or expected effect? The accommodation needs to be reasonable, not necessarily the preferred or requested accommodation.
Accommodate the functional limitation What limitation causes the student to not have access ? The accommodation should bypass that limitation Not required to produce identical results or level of achievement. What limitation causes the student to not have access ? Accommodations are based on functional limitations, not disability. A common question from a Disability coordinator might be: “How does your ADHD effect your learning?” or “What impact does your depression have on your learning?” Auxiliary aids and services, to be equally effective, are not required to produce the identical result or level of achievement as other students, only to give the student an equal opportunity to learn.
Reasonable Accommodations Examples Captions on videos Recording lectures Braille Books in electronic format Special tables Access in labs Examples of reasonable accommodations at college may include: Captions on videos, Audio recording lectures, Braille books and handouts, Books in electronic format, Special height-adjustable tables, And access in laboratories.
More Reasonable Accommodations: Alternate tests (audio, extra time, braille) Reduced distraction area for tests Qualified interpreters Note-taking assistance Real time transcription services Materials provided electronically Other Reasonable accommodations may include: Alternate tests, such as audio exams, extra time or tests in braille, Reduced distraction area for tests, Qualified interpreters, Note-taking assistance, Real-time transcription services, Or materials provided electronically.
NON Examples: Untimed tests Attendants Individually prescribed devices (glasses, canes, wheelchairs, hearing aids, computers, etc.) Readers for personal use or study Other devices of a personal nature Examples of accommodations NOT normally allowed are: Untimed tests Attendants, Individually prescribed devices (glasses, canes, wheelchairs, hearing aids, special computers, etc.) Readers for personal use or study, Or other devices of a personal nature.
Four… Academic Environment Number four The Academic Environment is different in college.
Post-secondary environment is… More competitive – In four-year schools especially, the majority of students have taken college preparatory classes in high school More work – more reading, writing and larger assignments; less extra credit Quicker and less flexible deadlines Learning happens outside the classroom In post-secondary schools, the academic environment is more competitive – especially in four-year schools where the majority of students have taken college preparatory classes in high school. There is more work to do-– more reading, more writing and larger assignments. There is also less extra credit work. Deadlines come quicker during the semester and are less flexible. Most of the learning happens outside the classroom.
Knowledge Acquisition Five… Knowledge Acquisition Number Five, The acquisition of knowledge is different.
Knowledge Acquisition: Reliance on note taking and reading comprehension to learn material Test items may include material not reviewed in class Expectation that students can “self-teach” Students often have to rely on their note taking and reading comprehension to learn material, Test items may include material not reviewed in class, And students are expected to “self teach” some of the material.
Six… Grading Number six, Grading is different.
Grading: May be based on exams only Fewer, longer tests over more material Requires self-monitoring; often must calculate own grade At a university, A student’s grade may be based on exams only. Grades may be based on only 2 or 3 exams, and each exam may be over substantial material. Students often have to monitor or keep track of their own scores and calculate their own grade.
Seven… Support Seven, Available support is different.
Support: Significantly less The student’s responsibility to request support The relationship with instructors may be more impersonal There is often significantly less support in colleges and universities than in high schools. And it is the student’s responsibility to request support. Also, the relationship with the instructor may be more impersonal.
Responsibility Eight…. Eight, Responsibility is different. Mainly, the student is responsible to initiate services and responsible for their own academic progress.
Student is responsible to initiate services: Student is responsible for finding the appropriate office on campus for services Student must make an appointment to register and request accommodations. Student must submit current documentation that supports the accommodation requests. Student is responsible for follow-ups with services The student is responsible for finding the appropriate office on campus for accommodations BEFORE the start of the semester. The student must make an appointment to register and request accommodations. The student must submit current documentation that supports the accommodation requests. And the student is responsible for any necessary follow-ups with services.
Student is responsible for academic progress: Student has to motivate self to attend class No other person monitors homework completion Assignments & test dates in syllabus; student has to check on regular basis The student is also responsible for their own academic progress. They need to motivate themselves to attend class and complete the assignments outside of class. No other person monitors their homework and gives reminders. All the assignments and test dates are in the syllabus; students need to check the syllabi on a regular basis.
Stress Nine… Number nine is Stress. All change—good or bad—can produce stress
Stress: New academic environment Prioritizing commitments Social—forming new relationships Time management issues: work, homework, residential living, new family relationship The biggest stressors seem to be the different academic environment, Learning how to prioritize commitments, The social aspect of forming, or wanting to form new relationships, And time management issues, especially with work, homework, residential community living, and dealing with or developing new family relationships.
Ten… Distractions And number ten is distractions.
Distractions: College social life—more opportunities to socialize & more adult activities, all more appealing than schoolwork Residence halls--more to do, more people, more noise, potentially less rest There are numerous additional distractions at college. There are more opportunities to socialize and attend more adult activities, all of which are more appealing than studying or going to class. And for those living on campus, the residence halls produce their own distractions, 24/7, with more activities, more people, more noise and potentially less rest.
Accessing auxiliary aids and services at college… How do students access auxiliary aids and services at college?
Steps for accessing services: Student must contact/visit disability service office Provide appropriate documentation Accommodation Letter Student must dialogue with instructors While the process is a little different at each institution, most follow this pattern: First the student must contact/visit the disability office (Informing someone in Admissions, Financial Aid, Campus Life, a professor, or an academic advisor does not usually work.) The student must provide appropriate documentation. Once a decision has been made, the office produces some type of Accommodation Letter or notification for instructors. In some cases, the student delivers the letter, sometimes it is emailed directly to faculty. In most cases the student must dialogue with instructors before receiving any services.
Documentation needed to access services: Different at every school and different by types of disabilities Must demonstrate current functional limitations The courts allow the schools to determine what they require for documentation and the differences are wide-ranging especially for students with cognitive or learning disabilities. Because IQ assessments are no longer required every 3 years in high school, a few colleges are accepting achievement assessments without the aptitude results. This is definitely something that needs to be clarified for each student’s school of choice. Some community colleges will now accept the IEP or 504 plan, and then if the student transfers to a university, he or she finds out they are not eligible for any services based on the high school IEP without test results. If a transfer is even remotely possible, the student should be encourage to discover what documentation requirements are at all potential schools. The documentation must be sufficient to support the student’s request, and identify the current functional limitations. Documentation for a math learning disability is not going to allow for extended time on tests in history or biology. In the same way, documentation from a physician for ADHD is not necessarily going to allow a student more time to complete tests without additional information on how the ADHD impacts the student. Students with learning disabilities or cognitive disabilities are sometimes caught between a rock and a hard place. Neither secondary nor post-secondary are required to provide the updated testing, yet the student needs the test results to access services at universities.
What skills do students need to be successful? Lets talk about skills students need to be successful?
What skills do students need? Self Advocacy skills Responsibility Leadership Technology There are 4 main skills: Self Advocacy skills Responsibility Leadership Technology
A. Self- Advocacy Ask for services Describe the disability and impact Engage in problem-solving Speak to professors Seeks guidance and assistance from appropriate resources (departments and technology) Students need to advocate for themselves by asking for services. Students have to explain the characteristics of the disability and the impact on their learning. They engage in problem-solving Students have to go to professor’s offices and speak to them. Students have to seek guidance and assistance from appropriate resources, such as tutoring, advising, or requesting adjustments in services.
B. Responsibility Ensure accommodations are in place Responsible for all assignments in the syllabus For time management and getting to class Student Code of Conduct Students are responsible to make sure accommodations are in place before they are needed. They are expected to read the syllabi and have all assignments ready on time. They are responsible for managing their time effectively and getting to class. All students, regardless of their disability are expected to know and follow the rules in the Student Code of Conduct.
Students are also Responsible for … Filling out forms, making and keeping appointments with different departments Own hygiene, laundry and cleaning room if they live on campus Studying daily Passwords, money transactions, ID card Students are also responsible for Filling out forms, making and keeping appointments with different departments Own hygiene, including laundry and cleaning rooms if they live on campus Studying daily Students are also responsible for their own passwords, money transactions, and ID card.
C. Leadership Important to demonstrate leadership skills: Join clubs and organizations Hold part time job or summer job Volunteer Take Leadership courses if offered It is important for students to demonstrate leadership skills, especially on a resume’ They can do this by joining clubs and organizations and possible becoming an officer in at least one. Keeping a part time job or a summer job, Volunteering in the community, Also, they can take leadership courses, if offered.
D. Technology Syllabi, grades, readings may all be on-line Extensive on-line research and papers Technology. Students are expected to be able to utilize technology in their studies. Syllabi, grades, and readings may all be on-line. Most majors will require extensive on-line research and typing papers.
Assistive technology: Audio books Recording lectures Writing-helps software Spell checker On-line organizers for notes On-line tutoring, flash cards, outlines, sample tests Students with disabilities should also be familiar with assistive technology that helps them. Some examples might include: Technology that helps them listen to their textbooks, either audio books or screen readers. Devices that audio recording lectures, Software programs that overcome writing difficulties, Electronic spell checker, On-line organizers for lecture notes, And on-line tutoring, flash cards, outlines and sample tests.
Tips for Parents… Tips for Parents
Parents can… Check on documentation requirements before the final IEP Allow student to choose a college; review types of academic programs and services available and comfort level Students may have to take a lighter load, repeat a course, or drop a course Allow student to set guidelines for contact Parents can Check on documentation requirements of potential schools before the final IEP. Allow the student to choose the college. Help review the types of academic programs offered, the services available, and his or her comfort level with the school. Parents can make sure the student knows it is ok to take a lighter load, repeat a course, or drop a course. Parents can also allow the student to set guidelines for contacting parents.
Issues to Consider When Choosing a College…
When choosing a college remember: Disability services office are not all alike Financial aid Academic advising Health center Academic support services Professional staff with type of disability Disability services office are not all alike, some have multiple roles on campus. Financial aid will vary at different schools. Academic advising is done differently at post-secondary institutions. Some schools have complete health centers, some offer no health services. Academic support services like tutoring and writing centers vary from school to school. Specialized tutoring may have costs associated. Some disability service offices have professional staff who specialize in particular disability populations.
Specific considerations based on disability… Here are some specific considerations based on disability type.
Issues Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit Disorders Reduced course load possible Substitution or waivers Documentation guidelines for LD/ADHD Type of classroom accommodations Assistive technology Issues for Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit Disorders may include: Finding out if it possible for a reduced course load and still be considered full time? Can a student obtain a substitution or a waiver for a course? Does the school have guidelines or criteria for documentation of LD/ADHD? What type of classroom accommodations are available, such as extended time, note takers, quiet room, books on tape. Does the school loan or teach assistive technology?
Issues Mobility Disabilities Housing Transportation Mobility on campus Personal assistance Wheelchair repair referrals Building accessibility Health Center Issues for students with mobility disabilities may include: How accessible are the residential housing units? Is there transportation around campus or to town? Will mobility around campus be an issue? How difficult is it to hire personal assistance? Does the office have wheelchair repair referrals? How accessible are the classroom buildings? Is there a Health Center on campus? What do they offer?
Issues Blindness and Visual Impairments Classroom accommodations for overheads, board work, labs, test format, videos Alternate format for textbooks Assistive technologies Availability and type of computer programs Funding sources Housing Transportation Campus mobility For students with blindness and visual impairments: What type of classroom accommodations are available for the use of overheads, board work, labs, test format, or videos? What alternate formats for textbooks are available; how early does the request have to be submitted? What assistive technologies are available on campus? What is the availability and type of computer programs used? Are their funding sources? Is Housing accessible? Is transportation available? Who provides campus mobility training?
Issues Deaf and Hard of Hearing Note takers Teachers who speak English as a second language Captioned videos Adapted housing Interpreters Real-time captioning Assistive listening devices Some Issues for Deaf and hard of Hearing are: What type of note takers are available? What is the percentage of professors who speak English as a second language? What is the lead time necessary for captions on videos? Is accessible housing available? Are qualified interpreters readily available? Is real-time captioning an option? Does the school provide back-up assistive listening devices?
Issues Psychiatric Disabilities Availability of local treatment Disclosure issues Support groups Absences Classroom accommodation e.g., extended time, note takers, separate testing location Issues for students with psychiatric disabilities: What is the availability of local treatment? Is information kept confidential or must the student disclose to professors? Are support groups available on campus? How are absences handled in the classroom? What type of classroom accommodations are available, such as extended time for tests, note taking assistance, or are separate testing locations offered?
Summary… Just as individuals are unique, so are post- secondary institutions. Hopefully this presentation has highlighted some of the differences, to guide you in the search. Just as individuals are unique, so are post-secondary institutions. Hopefully this presentation has highlighted some of the differences, to guide you and your child as you begin the search for the perfect fit.
Conclusion… Students with disabilities can succeed in post-secondary education. In conclusion, I would like to make it know that students with disabilities can and do succeed in post-secondary education!
Thank you!
Students with Disabilities at College; What Parents need to know. This information is not copyright protected. Please feel free to use, copy or share. Cynthia Woiderski August 31, 2016