Director’s Briefing 18th October 2016 Simon Leftley Brin Martin Head of Learning Southend Borough Council
Simon Leftley I This years results Children's Services Inspection outcome and action plan; SBC Senior Management Review; Our Town, Our Future;
Simon Leftley II Planning Places, secondary/primary/special SEND inspection of the area Area Based Reviews Integrated Children’s Services
Brin Martin Outcomes Education Board Ambition/Vision for Education School Performance Sub Group Ambition/Vision for Education OFSTED School’s Emergency Planning Support And yes, MATS…
Outcomes Primary 71.2% (69.3%) All above by at least 2% 55.4%(53.2%)
Secondary Outcomes Measure Performance National Statistical Rank Attainment 8 53.3 48.2 15th (1) Progress 8 0.00 -003 63 (2) A*-C in English and Maths 68.5% 58.7% 24th (1) 5+A*-C inc Eng and Maths 64.8% 52.8% 14th (1) EBacc 33.7% 22.8% 16th (1)
Gaps KS1 gap between Non disadvantaged and Disadvantaged -22.3%
Cabinet and People Scrutiny Direction Governance Scrutiny of policy SBC corporate plans and priorities Key performance indicators Performance management Our ambitions for your child’s education in Southend Education “policy” for Southend Borough Council Education Board Implementation and operations for all schools Reports to Cabinet and Scrutiny School Performance Sub Group Commissioning of intervention challenge and support School Performance Strategy Intervention criteria and categorisation
SPSG A “shadow” group met to support the scrutiny of outcomes; Several meetings have taken place with the RSC and his team to ensure consistency; Depending upon the context in which the school finds itself, a range of actions will follow in order to support the school’s improvement journey.
Membership of the School Performance Sub Group Representation Members of the Education Board 4 other members nominated from the four associations 1 post 16 1 Early years Regional Commissioner for Schools or nominee Head of Learning Group Manager for school performance Jim Johnson Lisa Clarke Neil Houchen Tim Barrett Jerry Glazier Maurice Sweeting (governor) One Primary One Secondary One other TBC Vicky Wright Tim Coulson Brin Martin
Your next visit… Contingent upon: When you were last inspected The judgement Your status, academy conversion or sponsorship If you amalgamated And as a result… I am anticipating anything up to 21 inspections this academic year
Inspection preparation Afternoon inspection preparation briefing/sharing Potential visit by a school performance officer to support the schools preparation Possible further support as required Attendance during the inspection and feedback
Draft Southend Schools Critical Incident Response Plan This process in intended to support the existing Southend Response in Education Establishments Plan (version 10 June 15) The trigger for a Critical Incident is contained within this document The intention is to lead and manage the response SUPPORT to the SCHOOL from the COUNCIL The management of the response resides with the school
DfE perspective? From my perception of a conversation… That becoming an academy is the solution for improving schools Good or outstanding schools remain relatively free to convert Small Mats are unlikely to be approved Size 10-12? Cross phase? Secondary led?? A balance of strengths within the MAT A clear (and non negotiable) governance model(s) The importance of utilising capacity in the system A view that MATs should be almost “self contained” That MATs could be required to amalgamate or be asked to take on/lose schools That infant/junior schools should become part of the same MAT That sooner rather than later all Southend schools will all be MATs