CRWSNP: correction with target nodes CRWSNP: Cooperative Range-Free Wireless Sensor Network Positioning Algorithm Fatemeh Darakeh 1*, Gholam-Reza Mohammad-Khani 2, Paiez Azmi 3 1* Ph.D. Candidate of Electrical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Iranian Research Organization of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2 Assistant professor of Electrical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Iranian Research Organization of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran. 3 Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
Problem statement Due to neighborhood information, x1 has only 2 neighbors, xi ,i =2,3 (target nodes). So, the circles (communication ranges) of these 2 neighbors must overlap. But, the circle of x’2 doesn’t overlap with x’1 (Because of the error of estimation in previous iterations). Suppose this is a part of a WSN after running some iteration of CRWSNP. The estimated location of x1 is desired.
Correction algorithm I Note that we wanted to find the estimated location of node x1 but at last: Not only found the estimated location for x1, but also improved the estimated location for x2 and x3.